Thursday, September 15, 2011


从以前到现在, 都是这样的一个人。 对于自己很在乎的事, 如果心有不甘, 就是会心里很不舒服, 不想去放弃。 

就因为这个不甘心不舒服我硬着头皮去追去问。 终于今天得到了一个答案。 if I were to put it, it would be i got one bad news and one good news...which one would you like to hear?

the bad news is, 薪水会比较少。 but it's also not a bad news lah, to me, 只要我努力, 没有什么事是办不到的!(as ling say, be positive!:))
the good news is, 好象觉得终于有人要我了, 还有会是在自己喜欢的地方。

是自己去争取会来的机会我觉得特别不容一。 可是有可能也因为酱, 才会懂得比别人更珍惜。 

星期一, 祝我一切都顺顺利吧! 好不容一好象要lucky一点了。 虽然因为面对过不一样的事情而会有一点灰心,会小心一一的去走每一步因为还是会一点点怕怕的, 可是我就是那个打不死的小外星人!muahahaha. 很快就又会神经很大条的晃来晃去。 风水轮流转, 这次好运论到我了!heheh. 

Gambatte mo! I will jia you de!

Thank you for the past love and luck shared with me, well, if you don't mind, keep them coming...Wish me bucketful of luck! and share lotsa Love! :))) muacks. thank you.

1 comment:

  1. JIAYOU! =D for monday and the next few good years to come :)
