Monday, August 31, 2009

Who would be free enough to listen?
Who would even bother?
Who can feel what i feel even if i don't say it. it's rather impossible isn't it. 'but i can "feel" people'? it just take willingness.
if i keep quiet does it mean i'm not bothered?
Sometimes i wonder if i treat people with my utmost sincerity and not get it back, would i learn to give less?
maybe more or less, a little.
one learns to protect themselves more from each lesson i guess.
but, i must remember, yesh. me. never give and expect the same returns, well, so happen we don't live in a world like that.
sometimes it never happens....but when it does and when we do meet true people to the heart,people who stick around, my bud(s) i appreciate and say thank you for listening and being around, because it does mean alot to me.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

proud to be a mayday fan. *updated video link*

**updates. to view the 828 DNA Mayday Concert in Singapore concert article read here.

I realised some you you couldn't view the new mv so i went to youtube to search for the video link that could be streamed here...i realised other video streams can't been seen on my blog...wonder's the new mv!:)


It's super new. Saw it on accident. haha....though i hear more
丁当 than 阿信...but still its a nice surprise find:D see shuai shuai de. haa!
i just got back from DNA Concert by Mayday at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. In a real happy sing song mood though kinda tired from being a monkey and singing at the top of my lungs and screaming like yesh. happy. and i love my blue lightstick.....~ awww~

it was awesome. fabulous. spectacular. leave you wanting more. definitely worth the price. do i need to say more to get the point? ;)

will blog more when i have the pics....:)

just an awesome mayday concert! i am proud to be a mayday fan. =D
i'm left hungry for more...i wanna go 829...oo. i'm so

Friday, August 28, 2009

say welcome.

It finally coming.
Today and tomorrow.
This poster is getting repeated so many times

They are here in Sing. Now. Say hi!
I forgot to buy blue light stick. argh.

i realise i wasn't even worth those few minutes.....i must be such a lousy person after all.
so i guess i'm right, i'm the o-so boring friend you probably will never link with the word fun.but i pride myself to be in the top ten list if you might need something.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Uncovering DNA. 解开五月天DNA密码

Uncovering DNA. 解开五月天DNA密码

Just a little something to make me happy. lol. or for those who don't read mypaper but enjoy a little mayday. :) its just like a little pepper and spice to the everyday life.

You can also check out the whole interview done with them the last time they stopped over on the site.

yesh. happy already.
can pop back to hair pulling assignments.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

828 DNA Maydayconcert....unfair?

lilalienations: i've been doing assignments and i think in my less than highly interlligent brain more brain cells have just died. they are dieing more than replacement is coming. ahhh. so to have a break i went to look for some mayday and write this post. haa.:P

screen shot from e-mypaper

Usually, if this were some other bands or random singers i guess i wouldn't really post it up here. So, i guess this is what i learnt in news writing class, it's called prominence. It only has news value or post-value because i love the band. haha!

During my daily routine of the papers today *and of course during my daily routine of going through the papers i keep my eyes bright for mayday* i saw this article.....If you don't get Chinese it writes "Content for concert different for both days: Mayday fans screams unjust."

In case your still lost, Mayday will be performing in Singapore for two nights for this DNA concert; 28 & 29 Aug 2009. aka. 828 and 829 concert dates. 828 concert so happens to fall on their 10th anniversery thus they promise to sing till midnight! *wooohooo!* But because they need to get the whole stage desembled by noon the next day they won't be able to go all through till midnight or so says the organisers. To make up for it they will choose 50 lucky fans to go backstage for a photo taking session with mayday. i would still choose midnight to havoc together? Cause 50 over the thousands of people, what are the chances i'll land in the top 50? hahaa...

anyway. while i was reading this i was thinking to myself, if i had been one of the fans who bought tickets to the 829 concert, i would also very inadvertably feel dissapointed i guess. 829 concert needed pre-order and bookings 6mths before the actual concert tickets were sold! 828 was a add on concert to meet the demands due to the overwhelming response from 829 concert. So imagine the anger the fans felt when they were told the tickets they booked long ago wasn't going to earn them a concert till midnight. If it were me, i think i would feel a little upset too....i think? I'm not too sure...because i gotten the 828 concert tickets! yay for me and my gals. no, i'm not gloating or trying to make any more fans feel angered. last thing i would wanna do. haha.

but, luckily the fans are smart enough to realise it is of no fault of mayday, more like the organisers glitch. But then....we're not the organisers, i'm sure they have a surmount of headache too.

But i'm positively sure, if it were up to mayday to decide, they would sing till midnight for both shows if they had their way. But i guess, in the world of bussiness, not everything is so rosy.

Midnight or not. I'm sure they will always make our tickets worth the value.

10 years ago. 828.

Jia you Mayday!:)
I'll be looking forward to 828!:D
at Nite in August

*update. you can read the concert article of which i went to here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The show.

I just happen to come across this song again today so i decided to put it up here for those who haven't heard of it to and my couzie foong were quite hooked on this song some time back...i guess the rhythm and lyrics kinda just got stuck in our head....haha....Have a little listen!:) The mv's actually very cute too! the first time i've watched it. :) Enjoy a catchy tune!

Lenka- The Show.
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
Slow it down
make it stop
or else my heart is going to pop
'cuz it's too much
Yeah, it's a lot
to be something I'm not
I'm a fool
out of love
'cuz I just can't get enough
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
The sun is hot
in the sky
just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
and synchronize in time
It's a joke
Nobody knows
they've got a ticket to that show
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
Life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
oh oh
Just enjoy the show
oh oh
I'm just a little bit
caught in the middle
life is a maze
and love is a riddle
I dont know where to go
I can't do it alone
(I've tried)
and I don't know why
I am just a little girl
lost in the moment
I'm so scared
but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
it's bringing me down
I know
I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show
dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

dum de dum
dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show
I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

Hope you enjoyed that!:)
now is the rhythm and lyrics stuck in your head too?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

save the earth, its the only one we've got.

lilalienations: i also happen to come accross a local piece of campaign which i thought was pretty awesome too. Done by Saatchi and Saatchi Singapore for the Singapore Navy. I liked the concept! Saatchi2 always comes up with interesting campaigns i realised. To check it out go here**. Check it out, its really kinda cool.

I recently saw a line of promotional campaigns for the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and I personally thought it was really pretty solid! Therefore i decided to post some of my favourite from the whole line of campaign up....

Have a look...see if you like them....Try to get the meanings of them...i thought each and everyone that i put up were real awesome and clear in their messages. I'm quite sure this campaign was a successful one getting the message across, spreading awareness....Or at the very least getting one to think twice after seeing it.

Alright..let me just show you guys the posters for you'll to check them out....;) i'll write the copy from the ads below the posters for easy reading. :)

Copy:For once, the dark side saves the planet.

I personally thought this one was pretty witty! It was done up for the earth hour campaign.

Copy: Forests for life
All the woodcutters seek comfort in the shade of the very tree that they are going to cut down. the irony of it.

Copy: 15kmsquare of rain forest disappears every minute.

Copy: Deforestation in China threatens Giant pandas.

I liked this one very much too. click to see the bigger view of the panda being squashed by the tree.
Copy: Before it's too late.

Copy: The future is man made.

Copy: The future is man made.

Copy: Save endangered animals before they disappear in front of your eyes.

Copy:The fate of the Blue whale lies in your hands.
Copy: Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs.
Really. it's inhumane.

Copy: For a living planet
Copy: For a living planet

Copy:You can’t afford to be slow in an emergency. Act now for the planet.
Copy:You can’t afford to be slow in an emergency. Act now for the planet.
Copy:You can’t afford to be slow in an emergency. Act now for the planet.

Copy:When you leave the light on, you’re not the only one who pays.Copy:When you leave the light on, you’re not the only one who pays.

Copy:Turning off your TV, stereo and computer when not using them.You can help prevent this. Take action now.

If you found them interesting do check out the whole campaign here. This sounds like the kind of message we usually hear in primary schools, but do always try to reduce, reuse and recycle. we've only got one earth. :)

take care peeps. loves.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mayday to play till midnight!:D

print screen from e-mypaper

Wooohoo!:) mayday to play till midnight on August 28 concert!*excited!* can't wait!
o wait....o man..half of me wished the concert comes soon, the other half of me kinda hope it doesn't come so soon..not the concert i mean...the days.
because it means, exam date and assignment handup date would be nearing....ahhh. boo.

but still im excited. ^-^
Here's a clearer view:)
Lets create havoc!

Mayday DNA World Tour
August 28 and 29
Singapore pit stop.
Indoor stadium.
Do be there!:D

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cake is not good dinner food.

lilalienations: too many natural disasters happening in the world....i hope it would all stop for good....may buddha,god and all the good people above bless and protect the good people of the world.

a lil something i took sometime back...:) but i like not humble. lol:P

Business Busy-ness at the a class full of rabbits, the little tortoise me is working real hard. gambatte desu! ;D slow and steady, i'll still reach. heh.
will update soon...i hope...:P meanwhile i saw some quotable quotes to share...i saw this while i was looking for something else...and i thought they are a good share. :)

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
~ Judy Garland

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Yeap yeaps. those are the 3 which i thought were good. Hope you liked them too. :)
Take care peeps. Loves.
be a nice human.

Up Up and Away!

Up up and away! Disney's latest creation is a must watch for those whose kid inside you enjoys a good laugh from time to time with cartoon animations. I'm sure most of you have caught the trailer for Up. But if you haven't, you can catch the official trailer here** Trust me, you'ed be hooked on for more. ;) And in a good way, because, i have caught it, and am letting you know, it's not the kind of show which has an awesome trailer but a mediocore or even worst lousy show...wink* if you know what i mean. ;P
if you thought it was a show about some grumpy old man and a bubbly round not too bright kid. More of less, i'll say, yesh. you got it! But, just because it's not some cute little animal, instead a grumpy looking old man on the front, doesn't mean it would be any less good. A light hearted cartoon which doesn't try too hard to garner any laughter, naturally funny and easy to watch. Great for 5 to 50 and beyond. In everyday's stressful-ness, a little easy laughter is just what we need. lala says go for it!;) heh.

From the same director of Monster Inc. *one of my faves* and the makers of Toy Story and Finding Nemo *both i like!*. No wonder it was good! That did many of the other animation i loved too!;)
If your abit hesitant whether it would be nice...let me just say, maybe i thought all the hoo-haa for Wall-E was abit overated. That is, if you ask me. I didn't enjoy it as much as the critics did or award givers. I just thought it was a Ok film, nothing which made me wanted to laugh my head off or cry buckets. It was kinda slow at some time. So, comparitively, if you thought Wall E was not your cup of tea and need confidence in funny animation, i think this would be the appropriate one..:) oo and ahh together with the characters and enjoy a little laugh!;) Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did if you do go for it!;)
flikr photo gotten from here.

O yes! and lastly, if you enjoyed the show, maybe you would wanna check out their official website too! Lotsa interesting to snoop around at and click away! Have fun! And do catch the movie for a good innocent laugh!:) Let the adventure begin! ;)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You are 21!

lilalienations: so many natural disasters....taiwan is the at wrath of Typhoon Morakot. I really hope all will tide down soon and may they be able to rebuild their lifes more quickly. jia you to the people of taiwan. jia you.buddha bless them.If only there weren't natural disasters.

Birthday to Uuu~
Sze Yeee! Happy 21st!:))
Went to Clarke Quay's Timbre to celebrate Yee's birthday!:) But first, went over to Somersat to meet diy to get the birthday balloons.....And we took the whole bunch of balloons in the mrt over to meet the rest at city hall....Nooo...not that we didn't think of taking the cab...but. it was peak hour..and the taxi queue was .........woo. haha...but luckily or unluckily? the side in which the mrt we were taking wasn't very phew.
there! those are the balloons! happily took photo with it afterwards...:P
imagine the attention i was getting! if i collected ten cent for every stare i would probably gotten over $10, more perhaps! :p the whole situation i guess could be very nicely put into this chinese discription 狼狈 the balloons! hate the attention....=P
this just happen to be one of and sis happily taking photo with the balloons!
So with every look i just said: *not too loudly, of course, just maybe in recognition to the weird* Hi, I'm Sze Yee, i'm 21 today, wish me a happy birthday. hahaha....:P

With their erdingdong erdinger.
Cheeeeeers. :D
Yay! rekkha has reached.
O yes..if your wondering why we are not in colourful clothes...its because the theme for the night as set by the birthday girl was Classic Vintage. Right? Black, Grey, White....:)
Swensons cake~
joreen got a little tipsy...but i thought she was in a cute state of drunk...not the noisy irritating know what i mean?;P haha...
we had another big gun in the house!
Ching ting came...and we started the birthday song! :D
Yayness! so beautiful!=D
ooo...this was when we added the dry ice into the glass of water....
swaa koo...:P

I love this group photo i took.
Where am i? I already said...i took i'm behind the lens...ahhaa..:P
love this awesome group shot!:)

Everyone needs a shot with the birthday girl!:)
*i couldn't find one where the boys took with yee, so got a substitute.* :P

Lastly. lets end with this appropriate photo.