Ola everybody!:))
I have not blogged for quite some time now....and honestly. I don't know where to start!!! Seems that so much have gone by recently. Was feeling pretty drained sometime back. I couldn't tell if it was the hormones you know those pesky ones which makes girls all emotional once a month or whether it was really because I was really drained.
But thankfully, I'm the sort who sorts out most of the things with tears and a good shower. And maybe a good retail therapy, (but have realised, my funds are kinda dwindling so I have to curb myself on spending anything on me at the moment. boo to that. :(( but was very happy to spend on cousie and auntie when they were in Singapore for a short few days) I wish i could be less stingy on myself, but i can't. Damn. I can justify spending to make people around me happy because I will be happy too. But i can't justify spending that much on myself because I will just end up feeling guilty and feeling broke. -__-' what's my logic? o but then again, i spent with no hesitation on mayday's concert. *活该feel broke. lols. idol mahh.:P
haha. So anyhoo, one morning before work I think i spent a good 20minutes breaking down while dressing up. I wanted to just emo abit longer just to you know maybe get it all out of my system but I still had to check the time so i wasn't late for work. WAHLAO EH. #loser. #failmax. LOLs.
but after that, ok maybe emo-ed for a few days i was fine already. so i like to think its the stupid ladies hormones. i'm not the depress o cut wrist kinda person after all. :PP o but wait. i have violent tendencies as a kid, i like to scratch myself and bang the wall because i was so upset and angry and didn't know how to express it. i suspect i was an autistic kid. lol lols!!
this post came out as a pretty random rambling i just realised. no photos?! nooo. that is so not my style..i'll go dig something out to put, heh. :)
ever since i started working ive not been blogging much. *guilty much* it's ironic how i fell in love with blogging and the whole blogosphere and yet after i started working i can do what i love less, which is i blog so little now.
lazy & procrastination adds a big part to just being busy.
i'm in the mood to blog now after this super random ramblings post i think i shall do multiple post today....i hope! heh.
to the people who are celebrating Vday soon, have you gotten everything done yet? Or are you the kind of couple who just treats everyday as Vday. That's awesome!:))
anyhoo. Have an awesome Valentine's Day. Sending out all my love to you guys and be a nice person! even if you are still currently #foreveralone, don't worry, someone will come by! Even if niceguys finish last, do still be one, because as with with what my fave Wongfu pro. would always say
Niceguys rocks. Nicegirls too!
hohoho. i found a very awkward photo of myself.
usually i won't dare post it.
but since its such an awkward photo of me i shall just let you see why i usually don't put make up and wear sleeveless dresses.
i was trying *very hard* to look pretty.
but fail max.
i end up looking like
"hello. i ish an awkward turtle taking touristy pics"
my colleague was asking me, which profile do you look nicer in when you take photos...omg. i didn't know. -_-
cannot stand myself. how to be ladylike like that?!
yay! a photo with the girls. credits to jy. :))
no, i wasn't wearing the minnie mouse hairband out..though i have one! hehe..:P
that's all for today.
have a good weekend everybuddy!