lalalalaaa laa laaaaa
laaa laalaaalaaa laaa laaaaaaa
laalaaa laaa laaaaa laaa laaaaa laaaaaaaaa
laaa laaa laaa laaa laaaa
nah. fishy. a lala version birthday song for you. =P
To our Dearest Fishy!
Happy 21st Birthday!!! :)You are officially 21! wootx.
Orange was in the sea sending her regards to pineapple under the sea...:P
we're all under the

Reached bright and early at ling's aunt's condo at pasir ris....
so far...-_- lucky her dad very nice, to bring us there! yay. :) thanks uncle!

was given the task to blow balloons...( i'm like telling the story through pictures...-__-)
ahahaa...and. let me tell you. it was more balloons than i've ever blown up for my entire life! lol...poor jy..tied balloons until her hand had blisters....sorry. i can't tie balloons to save my life.

little by little.lucky we had a balloon blowing gang!

Balloon pumps you say? They were USELESS. -_-

This were part of the balloon colony...charge my balloons chargeeeee!
to be fair..yesh...ling helped tie the balloons too!:) ahaha...

this was her cousin...who spent just as much time doing the other deco..

and here you have ms samseng. climbing on about 6-7 chairs to be tall enough to reach the ceiling to hang the balloons...damn! i'm short...:(

while waiting for the birthday princess to get and jy entertained ourselves....

birthday booze which we didnt get to drink....birthday girl say she didn't drink too! haha...wonder where it all went to...

blue for me. pink for jy. wahaa.

a party's must haves.

unfortunately....i didn't get to play with them...because i was busy shooting people with the big gun. slr. heh.

shot with the birthday girl after food....yum it was good food!:D after all my balloon blowing...tired you know. lols.
nahhh...i just like eating...ahaa
the girls look pretty glamourous here! mmm.

of course we didn't turn up empty handed. jy presenting the present!

got her something similar to what i have! cute cute cute!

yaaammmmm sengggg.
show stealers.

ling and her bro...
cute huh?
i always a birthday with my family and relatives together..but it would be hard to get everyone to fly down from the cat city....but it would be quite fun. even a birthday meal together would be nice i think...:) but for was great having a family back together to celebrate my birthday. :D

attack! rmb those cans from above...? yes, this was all the chaos it can cause...


taadaaa...presenting the newest fashion on the block.
*clap clap claps*
you can enter fashion runway. :P

with the birthday girl! and the many decos..

then jy and i decided...we shall keep it all to ourselves instead. right jy? ;P

rightful birthday girl and boy.

what happens after the candles are blown out...?

gangaway! nose dive right in.......

the aftermath...poor cake...i didn't get to eat it

see new style! you can use cake cream as wax! discovery! but i'm not interested in trying....=P

mmm. another high fashion shot.
i like this. :D
haha.bhb..say like my own

what?! i'm also 21 this year mah.....;P
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