Monday, October 27, 2008

byebye taro girl. meme misses you.

2 happy things . 1 terribly upsetting event. funny. why does the former not be able to outweigh the latter?

Why do i still feel sad. many things to think about, i can escape. but this morning, my baby taro girl moved on. as much as i can cry and feel sad, i think its a good thing, as she has been suffering as a sick old ladyhamsters. Their life span is just about that short.

I never thought i would cry or feel sad, alas, i'm not as strong as i think.
I hate to build up a relationship with anything, anybody just to have it taken away. that's why at times being anti social is nice. but not so nice.

oddly suddenly ahshin's lyrics "你的笑只是你穿的保護色" appear in my head. i must be feeling emo.

When i was out with the girls i was happy. :) then new low when i saw the last song's mv...about ella and her pug 'chiang chiang'.....ahh....reminded me of my taro girl. :( is this what yin and yang is about? opposites must always appear? -_-'

She flew up to a better place and yes. i believe she will reborn to be a better person. :) rest in peace taro girl. meme loves you. byebye. waves.

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