This post is dedicated to our dear girl who just celebrated her 21st on the 3rd. :)
So, this was how the story went...*what story? 0.0* haha...
Met up with ling early in the morning...still super tired from alienating around....yawnz~:p i forgot to grab present, went back to grab it...then we went to cwp....:) after deciding of the cake and stuff we set off! to meet orange of course.
First time surprising people at their house...haha...quite interesting. But first, we have a bask in the sun, to write the card. -_-'' smart eh. while waiting for orange we wrote the card and meantime sun bath a little (roasted a lil i mean. :P)
Orange's mum was so kind to drive us all the way to jy's block saving us the walking! yay! thank youu. :) *grumbles in the meantime...Singapore is soo hott!*
Pop by at jy's house! Felt like cartoon 'snooping' around. Her mum was very nice and invited us in as jy was changing. Thank you auntie and uncle for getting us drinks. :D
Deng Deng!* Waited for jy to open her door.....surrrrrprriiise!:)
Ok, was she surprised? i sure hope so....a little maybe? hee...:p
The rest are recorded in photos...easy easy....:P
You might find this bag familiar...;)
now theres a set! yay!
finish product. looks real nice from the front!;)
did i mention...orange looked like she was going to some wedding dinner..? hehe...:p

to end off with a nice complete photo of everyone!
then off we go out!
Hope you enjoyed yourself jy!
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