Monday, September 10, 2007

the alienation starts here. :(

classes are out....and can it get any worst..? I have three different classes
and. this suck.
in my first day class. (or so i think if i didnt see wrongly.) im a big alien. Not that i'm not used to be one...but...i'm in a class full of year twoos! omg....i know no one in the class and im the only yr three kid. now. tell me im an foreign being , being alienated. :((( wonder if they'll like me...
*pray hard they do.* i want to have a good last semester.....:)
pls. hope ill have a good time with them.......i want to have fond memoriessss!

Well...the other two classes are not too bad...I do know some of the peeps in class...=)) yea. thats cool. and their all year 3's .
Well, don't get me wrong here, its not that i dislike the year 2's or 1's for that matter....its just that, im scared. I don't like to feel alone in a sea of people. you get what i mean?

ok. maybe im just a tiny weeny bit paranoid....their nice people. * i hope* hope it will be a great great sem ahead...:)

o..and another sucky thing. my desktop is giving me probs again...:(((((( see that print screen? my programs can't seem to show up on the taskbar, and i have to resort to using alt+tab to get the stuff i need....boooooooooo....this made me frustrated like for the longest time and i can't seem to find the solution. anyone know what to do or what went wrong..? I don't remember touching just became like this when i turned on the comp...

help needed. assistance. sossss!

ok. there. i finished my rants. phew. hope everything looks brighter tomorrow..=)
take care peeps.

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