Monday, May 27, 2013

youtube fanfest 2013 Singapore - ytff day one and day two

YouTube FanFest 2013 in Singapore was dope! (can't use that cause i'm not sure how it feels like to be on Da Bomb!
*warning, this is a very longgg post with lotsa video, pics, screens and commentary on YTFF and Youtubers, if it aint your thing. It's best to run away now! haha*
This was my live tweet from the event. 
Thinking back I was pretty lucky for all these and am very thankful. :)

Thankful to the people who provided me with the sponsored tickets, thank you to the PR company who provided us with the tickets so that the people who passed me the tickets can have the tickets in the first place. And of course thankful to the organisers and the YouTubers which came down. 

These were the lineup for the two days. Initially I only had tickets to the first day to see David Choi (why i say david only cause of the whole list he is the one i know and love best of course! hehe) and on the second day, i was really lucky! Someone bailed out so I could join the second night too! yay! 
You can tell I just shot this pics before I wrote this posts huh. :P
On the first day I went down with G. Actually we both saw David's tweet that he was coming down then Ryan's tweet. Of course being the people we are that like them alot we were hyped up to go! Especially since we missed seeing David in his last concert in SG due to us being way too busy and stuff. :(

So we went to check out the ticket prices...and we realised that homg! there are so many people in the lineup that we don't really know of (and yesh, didn't really wanna see. then. ok, then. we were ignorant of what was to come. haha)

So we decided that we wouldn't go and would go only when David / Ryan came down on their own cause we would have a full show of only the essence of them mah. Makes sense too right? 
(it did when we were saying..but after coming back from YTFF i realised. what was I thinking yo? Give the other people a chance!) 

I was pretty much obsessed with catching up on their tweets and instagram to know what they were doing. 
by meaning obsessed i'm not exactly the fan girly type. 
I'm the appreciation type, you do good work is passionate and humble about it i will support you. No qualms about that. :)

So those were some of the youtubers which arrived in our small sunny island. <3 p="">
aww love.
even at 5% battery i couldn't get enough of wes. 
note this were from different days...
it was pretty much a good show of how strong social media was. 

Ok. shifting gears back to the show...let me share what were some of my favourite. Mostly all of them from the first and second day were really really good. Which surprised me!!
this was the best photo i have of david choi of the night. T-T 
my phone was not cooperating. 
but david did good. 

AND AND! I saw david up close and personal when i walked out to pass some tickets to my talent. he was less than 20 steps away from me. 
i think my soul melted. 

For the first day, there was really honestly not one act at all that i disliked. And i was honestly surprised by how good each and every act of the day let me share. I'll be sharing the YouTube clips from the night of the stars i like in case you don't know where to find them and also other videos which i would like to share from them...Let's go! 

*if i don't feature them it's not because i don't like them or because they are not good. I'm just sharing those which hit the spot with me. If you know what i mean;) i'll also link up their name so go check them out on your own!*

I read the comments that said the crowd was dead. Hell no. i was there and know for sure it was definitely not dead. lol. my guess is that for the home viewers what they see and hear is not a direct accurate pick up from the live scene as in sometimes mics and camera placing and stuff makes a difference. 

This guy is one that i would definitely like to check out! My alpha made me miss a good 10 mins of his performance while going out to pass him tix...but because so i managed to see david. *melt.* how many times do i wanna melt? :p So i should really thank him actually. 

Fellow malaysian, from my dad's hometown actually! and cousin's same school. I  never had a good impression of this dude to say the truth, but when he came up and started singing his first song i was still like meh. But after he started playing this song i shared i was like oooh. not bad. and me and g were actually enjoying it. 
I couldn't find his YTFF clip, did they take it off for some reason? but anyway, this was the one i particularly enjoyed. and raised my impression of him. not bad not bad. 

when we saw the description i thought i was going to just daze off, but it was actually a very fun interview! Click on the link to find out more on the clip. The wittiness of the voice behind the poodle and the host was a hit for me!
No, don't think i'll really start watching this, but as a personality, the Japanese lady is really humble and nice. Humble with real potential is always a winner for me and at her age doing youtube videos. 
I respect!

This next guy blew my socks off!
He just came up and literally beatbox his way into the crowd's heart!
i particularly like the Q&A session, hope the girl managed to get his number! heh heh! Single no more hikakin! lol

and of course my favourite of favourites of the night without a doubt 
If you haven't subscribed and listen to his songs? 
Are you sure you are my friend...*gives you the eyes* hahaha. 
no seriously. he is that good. 
have a listen. 
nuff said.

Another one which i was quick to dismiess once i saw the brochure wrote, google hangout. i mean like pfft, how interesting can it get? 
Well apparently i was wrong for the night yet again. 

She is another of the personalities that i will be catching to see if i'll be subscribing soon! Her interview and intro at YTFF was really funny though!!:D

the ending act was done by the charismatic chester with his suit tie and whole get up. 
any fan girl would have swoon. 

That being said. no i'm not, but he did well :))
and when he went up he reminded us alot of our colleague chris, so we whatsapped another colleague who was there (she was the one who saved us the tix, much love!).And...her response was. 
Only if you blur the face. 
Talk about ouch!
lol lol.

Only pic i took to show it was day one's ticket. 
And so that was day one!

The day one participants hit me as a bunch of people who really love what they did on YouTube, they started out not for the fame nor for the money and they are still in it because they are passionate about it. And also many came across as very humble. A passionate humble person who is good in his/her art, that i truly respect. We need more people like that. These days many people want to gain fame over night, i mean it is not wrong cause who doesn't love short cuts. 

But remember, if you aren't passionate about something, it won't last and you might never be truly happy. 

So jia you all the stars that i saw over the two nights! I hope you all stay true to yourself and keep that light burning. :)

I thought i would be heading home early to catch the live screening of day two. 

but i was really lucky. 
(ok, ignoring the fact that the crowd was really really bad on day two. all the pushing, jostling, shouting and all before we went in and show commence. I totally abhor that. i'm not really a crowd push and go person. i can't handle that.) Lucky Jayne and Xian looked out for me though. :) I think that start dampen my mood a little. Just a little. I was still overall excited to see Ryan with hopes of seeing Wes and maybe David cause David told us the day before that Wes was there! hehe. 

We had a little surprise!
Lead Guitarist of Aerosmith turned up for a little extra bonus for us and advertisement for their Saturday's gig!
Wasn't really a fan but they are legendary!
that was soooo good pls!!
My phone was a little more cooperative on day two!

ok now off to the night.
So here are some which hit home with me from night two which i wanna share. Let's go again! :

I've heard alot about this duo and catch snippets of them. But after that night they officially got into my list of i must go catch their videos and subscribe to them! They were funny there and the videos they showed were also funny. 

ok. i really didn't enjoy DomePakorn's performance. seemed abit yaya and he didn't even show his own video, he was showing his record label's video which was in my opinion not what i really like. eh? o.o hello? but that could be only just me. 

I honestly haven't really heard much about them, but everyone was raving about them and they have a whooping 900 million views. Have i been living under a rock?! well i thought so until i was playing my david choi playlist on my app yesterday and realised that wait a minute there!
I have been listening to boyce avenue and liking them even before i knew it! that is the power of good potential. even if you don't sell your name, people would still think you are good because you are. :)

If you don't know who Ryan turn now. Have you been living under a rock?! lol lol. 
He has 1.5 billion views for his videos! No seriously, after I watched his collab with Wongfu pro I was hooked on all the rest of his videos and watch them all. He is really good! What he uses is wit, which means he really has to put effort into what he does. Many think eh this youtube people has no substandard, so wrong you are. If you look closely at alot of their content you can see many of them do put alot of thought into it. Scripting directing and all. 
Look how far Ryan and of course my beloved WongFu has come. I can attest to that because i was a fan before Wongfu productions was officially Wongfu productions with the three of them. :)

and i'm especially grateful Ryan shared the stage with Andrew and Wes. <3 nbsp="">
Thanks Ryan!
Was so happy when Ryan surprised us with Andrew. 
I knew of Andrew Garcia from his American idol days and loved his singing then so was really happy when i learnt he got together with YTF and did videos. :)
i found this version, they didn't have the American idol one. 
Your welcome. :)

And then Ryan brought up Wes...wes...wessssss! :)
bad photo but i have a really short video!

that really made my night. i forgotten about all the unhappy jostling and pushing before the show started. i melted yet again. 
Last mention for the night is for Little Boots a UK Youtuber who is now a singer!
I actually felt quite bad for her cause her performance was after Ryan's and was the last act of the day. It was really late then, the show over runed by 1 and a half hour, not that i'm complaining! hehe. 

She is pretty decent and i felt it was, pretty sad and maybe rude in my opinion that everyone just left, almost half the people there!I mean if i were her my confidence would have taken a blow, but don't worry gal. You are good. :) Huixian likes you! heh. 

wanted to end the night with a photo of the second night's ticket and people but realised...the photos are not with me!! gah. 
so i shall end with the first nights instead. till i get the pics from them! heh. :)
I realised it's fun when the people you go with have the same interest in the event as you! 

Super thankful to everyone who made the two nights super awesome!


And then here are a slew of instagram and tweets from the youtubers which just made me awww...and have lotsa fun sharing with @poisonpoppyz. We were like going wes..aww..david..aww..ryan...aww...and lotsa fun stuff. :D no we are not crazy over obsessed fan girls. we appreciate good talent. heh. :P

this was the latest one. and seems like they really enjoyed themselves here and the company and new friends they made. 
I can actually totally relate to their feelings, it is probably akin to the time i just came back from the states. :)

it just makes them seem more real more human. :)
aww moment. 

ok this was the start of the frenzy. the slew of tweets from wes. (x.x no i am not an obsessed fangirl :X)
 made me really happy. 
 say aww. 

 this was his insta to tell the world he had landed in SG. 
*wavesssssss!!! hello!!!*
haha. i loved the caption here. 

And his friend tweeted this:
i know right. 
haha. #truestory moment. 

Ok that's my recap of the two night of YTFF 20th and 21st May 2013 at Ritz Carlton. 
Maybe when i come back to read my post next year i'll feel the same things again. 

These stars have totally fueled me to remind myself that do things because you like it, it might not get you famous or rich. Hell, you might not even get any recognition for it, but do it anyway because you like it. 

Stay humble stay passionate. Stay true to yourself. 

i'll write even if no one reads, i'll shoot (pictures) even if no one sees them.

Thank you for reminding me these. 

You guys rock!
and to me you guys are superstars in your very own right. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day <3

This is just a very short post before bed to say mummy I love you:) and to all wonderful mothers out there...
Happy Mother's Day! You are the best gift a kid can ever have.
Thank you for all the sacrifices you have for us. The unconditional love you show us in one way or another. 

As children sometimes it seems like we don't appreciate it don't realise it, trust me we do. Or at least I do, and I'm sure for those who still are lost sheeps they will understand your intentions when they grow sensible. :) 

世上只有妈妈好、有妈的孩子象个宝。ill always remember this song, it played alot as a fernleaf milk powder ad as I was a kid. Talk about good advertising! Haha

Before I leave I shall leave you all with some good Mother's Day video...the one I'm going to share today is not the cheesy sob sob kind..

It's a quirky one done by awesome dance Mike Song (@mikeosong) and a bunch of other great dancers such as Anthony lee (@_anthonylee_) whom i know from WFP vids and many other good ones whom I've never seen before. To too it all off mama song (mike's mum) took home the cake with her collab with them in this Mother's Day video! So enjoy: 

(O sorry crap, i forgot the blogger app doesn't allow me to have embed function.) here's the link first, will update it when I can with the embedded video. - Embedded! 

Have fun! Take care! Send lotsa love to you mums. Make sure it's always less than three. <3


Thursday, May 2, 2013

i listen to songs without hearing the lyrics.

You know there are some kind of people who listen to songs by catching their lyrics first then the melody? Me? I'm the sort which hears the melody and very little of the lyrics. I'm sure there are pretty many like me, because the brain processes melodies more easily? Ok, i don't know about that for sure. 

Even though my favourite musicians for example like ashin (yes beloved. i must emphasize. lol) writes one of the best lyrics ever (no i am speaking truthfully here, because he writes it so simply and straight to your heart) what catches me first is always the melody. Only from there will i bother to pay attention to the lyrics. 

Lyrics to me are like homework, unless they are really simple i would never be able to sing a full song's lyric's through memory (well, unless i do my homework) haha...Imagine singing a jay chou song remembering that in full! I do admit that when i understand Jay chou's song lyrics they are really poetic and all, but hey, my mandarin is just mediocre, so for me his song's lyrics are meh. (If you don't speak so that everyone understand you, it will just be a very pretty vase. Well with no offense, that is only what i think.)

So anyway! i was hearing this super old song in the grocer earlier on and used shazam to recognise it. Thank god for good apps! hehe. I thought the title was pretty creepy at first but it was really catchy. See catchy tune always wins half the battle!

Googled it and it feels darkly romantic. It's pretty simple to understand, of course the part about Catholics and Romans, i don't really get that, but apart from that i guess most can relate...

I'll leave you with the song below, who will you want to walk with you into the dark?

i'll follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Love of mine, some day you will dieBut I'll be close behindI'll follow you into the dark

No blinding light or tunnels to gates of whiteJust our hands clasped so tightWaiting for the hint of a spark

If Heaven and Hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I'll follow you into the dark

In Catholic school as vicious as Roman ruleI got my knuckles bruised by a lady in blackAnd I held my tongue as she told me"Son fear is the heart of love"So I never went back

If Heaven and Hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I'll follow you into the dark

You and me have seen everything to seeFrom Bangkok to CalgaryAnd the soles of your shoesAre all worn down

The time for sleep is nowIt's nothing to cry about'Cause we'll hold each other soonIn the blackest of rooms

If Heaven and Hell decideThat they both are satisfiedIlluminate the no's on their vacancy signs
If there's no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I'll follow you into the darkThen I'll follow you into the dark...
i'll end of with this., is really, too short to be anything but happy. 
so go jump around along daisies (act yi ge romantic, there's no daisies locally. lol) and be a nice human.