Mayday won 6 out of 7 awards at this Saturdays 23rd Golden Melody Awards 2012 this year! WOOHOO!
- 《 最佳國語專輯獎 》 第二人生
- 《 最佳樂團獎 》五月天/第二人生
- 《 最佳作曲人獎 》五月天瑪莎/諾亞方舟
- 《 演唱類 - 最佳編曲人獎 》五月天、陳建騏/諾亞方舟
- 《 最佳專輯製作人獎 》 五月天/第二人生
- 《 最佳年度歌曲獎 》諾亞方舟《第二人生》
a lil sad ashin didn't manage to clinch the nomination which would give them full victory of the 7 song writer award...but it's ok. We really know how good he is. and not in any of my biasness but it's really true, he is really one of the best lengendary song writers.
To me what makes a song writer good is the comprehension of the listener...and true enough, mayday's lyrics are also so close to heart and easily comprehend-able..Ashin to me, 你也得奖了!:D
this was the banana eating moment.
'you qing jiao'
though there was shocking news that they might be finishing up in 3 albums - 6 years time which totally spoilt the mood for the night....(you can follow the link to read about it)
i'll still say they well deserved every award and i'll bask in glory for them.:)
i would love to sing till im 60 with you all...
but i guess everyone's got their plans...
we will cherish every mayday moment we have...
and for as long as we live, we can proudly say
Thank you for being part of our life...
6 years or 60 years to come...
we will sing your songs till we grow old together!