Moooooo to the new year with suuuuper moo.
i'm just being me.
Happy Niu Year!

Haven't been around for the pass month? Been over the top busy with lotsa stuff.
So many many stuff to blog about so little time. I shall try to see if i can keep up and post them some time soon...:P
Ironically. i'll be so free now, if those who know what i mean. 0.- o well. Its the new year. I'll put that at the back of my head for just a little moment now. alright. just awhile okies. gimme a break. ;) i'll reorganize my thoughts.
So....before i carry on with any other thing let me wish all a very super duper
Happy Chinese New Year!
Maybe it might get boring, maybe we might meet all those gossipy aunties or random people asking us things we aren't so readily willing to answer....or get annoyed by them....
its the new year. forgive and forget. and its the time to be happy. or at least try!:D

May our year ahead be a great smooth sailing one.
As everyone puts it