Graduated quite a few weeks back now....let me see...I went to have a check with the related post i did earlier..
Here and
Here. Yipes! I realised it has almost been a month! damn i have been busy:( Haven't been able to come and update here till now, nowadays if i have time i would try to tend to want to do one or two post and schedule them to half the time when you see them published on a certain date i probably wrote it much earlier....haha...
So anyway, anyway! Today's post is about lala 结婚咯! aieee!Dreaming! SALAH. Too many blissful friends around me either pregnant or getting married soon. It's affecting me. :( & :) both ways. haa.
ok. Let's try that one more time! it's Lala 毕业咯!
ok, this one i play cheat, i show before in one of the previous post before.
hahahaa...i look cute with the bear mah the bear looks cute!
haha. Inside the bear is a friend's friend whom i met at work, so he told me that i had to go look for him on grad day, so here i was with a photo with him inside the bear!
a customary i got flowers!
*SHOWOFF look.*
wait till you see the one where i didn't intend on showing off all my flowers but my dear orange says it's a MUST. look out for it below! haha...:P
WARNING. There is going to be a slew of photos! :P
Here i'm supposingly taking my 'cert' from the president of OCU.
Actually the certs were given to us much earlier to allow easy job application process...:P
This is professor Karlie, my first lecturer. She is one of the heads for OCU mass comm, can be stern but also really nice. :)
I guess she didn't really remember me though, well, i'm not the sort to leave a lasting impression i guess, plus, she teaches so many students!
But one thing I and LL will always remember is that how fond she is of calling us to answer questions in class because our names were super easy to remember and pronounce! hahaha...

Here i am with Prof Leo ( don't worry, I'm not going to bore you out by introducing each and every Prof) This is another head in OCU's Mass Comm. He was my lecturer for Philosophy. Though everyone else mostly thought his lessons were really boring, but I quite like him! He put his heart into imparting his knowledge. I think Philosophy is a either you like it or you don't kinda subject...Socrates & Aristotle and all the's actually pretty interesting...
Plus! When he was giving his speech i admire his speech the most because you can feel he wasn't speaking off a script but right off his mind/heart. Plus it was short enough and witty. I like! If not yesh, some speeches just bore the crap out of me, Prof Leo's was just great, even dad liked it!:)

He said, "When you open the papers today, you will find yourself in it. But not for the wrong reasons this time..." nice.

this was the end of the ceremony!
I like!:D
O yesh, did i mention, we waiting the hall for approx 45 mins just for the VIP to arrive. grrr. leg pain! Cause i was wearing heels...which i changed out to platforms afterwards. Kaki sakit lah! hahaha...:p
aish. you still don't get to see my heels...haha..
i miss OCU.:')
And now for a proud family moment:DDDD
Mummie le graduate~!
Thank you Dad Thank you Mum
Thank you for all the support you 've shown.
:)) <3
From here on is a slew of photos with my uni mates <3 <3
some didn't come and some left early so i didn't really manage to get a photo with all of them...:(
part of my beloved travel fam. :)
rapper rai. my twinnie marmar. (o! o! she's won the Cube TV compeition and will be representing S'pore to compete with contestants from the region in Korea. SUPPORT her K. MaressaZ):)).Fahr, out cute baby. Cat! someday she'll be a cool dj:). and Ahmaddd the young boss.
Bodoh face with didi 1!
Bodoh face with madmad 2!
Actually we did take normal looking pictures but i was thinking, omg, for the whole day all i have been doing is just SMILE. Big grin! and can't see eyes, lol, so we did this!:)
My travel sisters!
Where's did and ann nee?

this is jend! She is supersuper cute! And very photogenic.
i love her cause she is like always soso cheerful!:))
Liz! She's from Vietnam, i'm sure you all have seen my other Vietnam friend Louise before? Yea, i got to know her from Louise. I didn't manage to take a shot with louise though, she left before i caught her...aww.
and here's Ratti! Caught her just before she left, she's now back in India, wonder when will be the next time i'll get to see her....
and here are the two perfectly normal shots i took with both di and mad:))
we are missing LL our sitting buddy who decided to give the day a miss!
<3 oneh chan!
Thank you all my ocu pals, whether you appear in my pics here or not,
i treasure you guys loads esp my trav fam and you know who you are!:)
And last but not least....
A big Thank you to Orange, My beloved buggers and Mt for making a trip down just to spread the love and share some joy!:DDD

My flautist gals were represented by this orange from the sea with a bouquet of soft toy flowers..
Thank you gals! <3 <3

a kissy kissy for you!:)
muacks! Xiexie ni men! <3
Swarmed with flowers! <3
Mad Love to my Buggers for making it all the way down just for me :'))
With my dearest Sis Ting and Lovely beautiful daughters Bie and Jo. :)))
the saying is true, kind people do look exceptionally pretty!
and i wholeheartedly agree:)
With the guys. :)
Jh and Jo's bf Shane, also my secondary school schoolmate. :)
can't say how happy you all made my day.
i thank you for sharing all the special moments in my life.....:)))
Here is another schoolmate, woah! His bouquet was big!
But i thought it was really nice of him to come all the way down from jb, well of course nt just for me, but to keep a friend in thought on the way is really nice too!:)
I think i was smiling so happily that most of the pics you can see my teeth but not my eyes.
and even the horrible migrane on that day couldn't bring me down.
I was albeit worried it was showing on my face though, so i just keep smilinggg.
look at all the love!
*singing to the tune of Dory in Finding Nemo. Just keep smiling just keep smiling~smiling smiling~ :D*
When you're so happy. Your brain doesn't really think of anything else but how touched you are and how blessed you are. :')
I must have done something right in my previous life. <3
All the happy people gather together!:)
I know i've said it once, twice, but a few more times wouldn't hurt.
Thank you for sharing this special moment in life with me!:)))
Thank you!
<3 <3 <3
Arigatou Neh Mina San!:)
even if you weren't here with them personally i know you sent your well wishes and love to me too...
Thank you! you! You know who you are:)
Till the next post, take care peeps and be a nice human!