I just learnt that this movie was made into a live action from the original anime of the same tittle; Blood the last Vampire not Blood+ as many have had this mixup. Honestly speaking, i have not heard nor seen the anime series thus can't make any comparisons. But just basing on the pictures i see of the anime version of Saya and the real version play by Jeon Ji Hyun. It's quite nicely done.

Blade in hand- Check
Plaid Pigtails- Check
Frown on the face- Check
Not that bad a resemblance, to me that is.
*a little digression*
Who is Jeon Ji-hyun?
You must be thinking...damn. she looks soooo familiar but i can't put a finger to where i've seen her from..

*end of digression*

When watching a movie like this, i always remind myself before stepping into the theartres that i should leave my rationality aside and enjoy. So that was what I did, I went in and enjoyed most of the movie, squirmed at some of the graphics, not because they werre gory, just because, it wasn't of great quality...O..and the fighting scenes. !!. Let me speak more on that behind. But leaving all those behind, I wanted to label it as a interesting movie to watch....UNTIL. the ending came about, and from a movie rating of, woah. it suddenly dropped to, what the. ...

The bad.
- the ending.
- the stiff fighting scenes
- telling it from the point of alice
- not a strong plot, but hey. its just an hour and a half movie
- the vampires which look like the monsters from alien vs. predator. -_-
- A close Saya(main lead) resemblance
- ji hyun's acting, she's spoke english and jap, comeon, give the girl some credit.
- The silhouette(d) fighting scenes.(creates mood w/o the cheesy wiring jumping around,but there were too many of it) (got a little one too many right after i realised i like it-_-)
- i like heroines saving the day. my personal bias. bleahs. =P
- i'm into the whole vampire slaying thing. ask me. i caught all 3 seasons of my date with a vampire(我和僵屍有個約會) another personal bias. =P
- at least. the director had the decency to get an asian to act as saya to lookand sync like the original anime character. unlike some other movie...
- there were some very cool fighting scenes of japanese warriors.
Would i recommend this movie...? I think i would actually...:P Because, I like the whole, girl in sailor uniform saves the day kinda stuff...lol.I didn't regret watching it. And ji hyun's acting here is pretty good remembering this is her first take on a english film. :)
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