A direct click on the photo will bring you to the site.I guess most of you out there would have heard of the infamous case Pulau Ketam's Abandoning dog case. In any case you haven't heard of it, in brief it is the island's dogs
(300!!) being rounded up by villages
( who i guess, might have found them too much of a nuisance) and taken to a wild deserted island to fend for themselves.
A sudden exile, is just as good as a death sentence in any case. Without food, what are these abandoned dogs going to do...? What if there isn't any food for theselves, or not enough? Won't this cause a ruckus among themselves? A internal war, where everydog is for itself. I do not know why but i somehow pictured a scene of the japanese cult film
Battle Royale, where they had to fight for survival.
Many of the dogs have been wounded and scarred....god knows how many more dogs are still there and in need of help...Luckily, some kind souls have helped make their plight known.Let's not point fingers and say who's right who's wrong.
You can visit these sites to read up more on the case, to give moral,financial or support in your own special way...
"Pulau Ketam, 2nd May 2009: Man-Made Tragedy. According to local fishermen, the starving animals resorted to cannibalism. They ate the carcasses of the fellow castaways who didn't survive. They were so desperate that they swam to nearby kelongs only to be chased away. Many weaker ones died in the water. Because the island is relatively remote, the rescue mission is a logistical nightmare. "
HERE** for the photos done up by the kind souls on their trip to help. 1 to 10 see the pics and read the captions.
And here the
Furry Friend's Farm who is helping out with the wounded dogs.

And finally
here for the lastest updates on how the rescued dogs are doing and how they were when they came in....
I hope all these dogs find a better life from now on.....
jia you.
and bless those kind souls.
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