Went back to the rp trcc to support my juniors in rpws...This time we sat in the balcony seats...the ones above the stage....We had a good view, and the sound was good. Only. one thing which kinda pissed me off a little was that there were this bunch of Kids. -_- who didn't know when and how to shut when the concert was on. I mean fine, your a little excited enjoying yourself, i won't mind...but. don't be a irritant for THE WHOLE SHOW. argh. They did pipe down a little after a few stares and 'tsk' from fishy. lol. If your going to a concert respect the people performing and people listening. No one say you need to be a dead lifeless audience but don't be a nuisance.......ok. enough of that though....haha....let sees how the day was in photos....

Arrived a little late...missed the first two songs....Orange went in first with Mr Dee, and helped us booked seats...:)

He's a good soloist. Squeaked a lil...but that's ok, i guess he was probably a little tired? I liked the last song very much. Powerful. very impactful...but...i can't remember it's name though...opps.:P
Took photos with the alumni...:)
l to r: Cassandra, Weishi, Hannah, Jy, me and my round face and messy hair, Fishy
It's from the Teddybear musuem in korea....wow!
I haven't gotten to ask her if she did visit the place....
It has a name too...Curly Brown~ reminds me of Charlie Brown from Peanuts...
Had dinner? Supper, at mac....our usual spot after concerts....Ling gave me this cup as she already has this version....thankyous!
It had a whole series of rainbow colours...but i gotten the black one-_-...lol.but its nice~
Yeap~ thats the end of it....:)
Take care peeps.
Be a nice human

l to r: Cassandra, Weishi, Hannah, Jy, me and my round face and messy hair, Fishy

I haven't gotten to ask her if she did visit the place....

Take care peeps.
Be a nice human
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