xmas is around the corner....means the new year is around the corner too.....
wow wow. that was fast. suddenly it seems to be like where did the year go to?
I still remember being impatient hoping August came sooner...August 28 that is.....why? because i wanted to catch Mayday here in Singapore. It seemed to take such a long time....suddenly fast forward, now i'm thinking...the year's ending already? wow. time creeps up on you.
if only someone invented a time machine, then i can store the time i don't need and use it later and go to times i enjoy over and over again.....heh.
Since Christmas is coming...i've got loadsa stuff to do...loadsa gatherings to attend....in previous years i probably only have one xmas party with the buggers....:) nowadays there seems to be so many different gift exchages to participate in.... Don't get me wrong, i do love Christmas..the Christmas carols...the beautiful lightings, the christmas trees....I don't think theres anything i don't really like about it...
o. ok. maybe two things...Christmas has turned into what i think a somewhat over commercialised occasion....all brands are using christmas to sell whatever they have..its sales i guess, hit the rod when its hot! ;P
and just the other day on the street i overheard not one but more than that, teens (well younger than me, so teens, i'm a teen also ok.ahemx*) talking about gifts exchange..and they actually had a ready 'wishlist' and frankly from what i heard ( i was NOT eavesdropping, they were just chatting loudly. Xp ) it's not the kind of presents that i would have been able to afford than...or rather isn't it the thought of the present that counts? Going out to get the other party's present choosing it with love and care instead of just picking out from some expensive list of pressies? rich kids. -__- you don't ask for your present? not that it's any wrong...it's just that...Has the meaning of Christmas changed for many...trust me...i'm not too sure if many are sure what it really means...me included. opps...:P
i take xmas as a good opportunity to get together and enjoy with my friends and in our own way thank each other for another great year. Exhange gifts we choosed with thought and make merry and carry on with another great year....So who cares if i really know what christmas means...? It means another great opportunity to thank your friends and family for always beings there and sharing the love with them.
falalalala~ Jingle jingle. Jingle bells!:)
been busy of late...another crazy term up agaisnt us....you know it when you treat your textbook as a bedtime storybook....
I think Jibjib (our youngest birthday baby in the buggers) doesn't read my blog so it's quite safe to put it up...
and elmo! sesame street!:)
but after i got it done, i was kinda wondering if there is not enough space to write...so im soughting the buggers advise....waiting for their replies. :)
that little elmo is from cheers....spent 10 bucks just to be able to get one...-___-
i wonder why the elmo's eyes are looking above instead of towards the front though....
ming kor's 'on the way' and '5 minutes' is always longer than it seems. hahahaha.
jia you for your project o!
or issit done? haha..:P
oo. i was so blur. I initially wanted to wish ting the best of luck for her paper...which i thought was on wed or fri...and i messaged her on tues night....
whichafter i realised...she had already finished her paper on tues-day.
hoo hoo. :'(
but nvm...the good luck goes to the results too. :)
right sis? ;) heh.


so cool.
i oso wan.
taiwan fans are so lucky....they get all the cool limited edition stuff....
Ok...that'll be all for now....
take care peeps.
be a nice human.
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