lilaLienations: i gotta award the best quote this Christmas to ahguang!:D for his msg "...may Santa Bless you!" heh. how cute is that? ;)
Yo hohoho hohoho! Merry Christmas Everyone!:) It's been sometime since i really sit down to let me sincerely ask all my readers...How are you? :))) Hope you all are doing fine this Christmas New Year (Coming soon) period! heh. :)
Before Christmas my classmates decided to hold our very own gift exchange...though we were all crazily busy we still manage to squeeze out one friday night before our presentation day to enjoy a lil~ ;)

my mdis gang.

I look so 'cui' in all the photos...only can post those taken from a distance...lols!
It was a fun night:)
Hope our next xmas together will be just as fun...will we be doing it in the US or back home here? I wonder...:)
Wee hoo~ Lets see the xmas pressies!:D

Here's a very sweet sweets package from Lih Yee!:) It is indeed very sweet to receive a present with your name written in bold so nicely...not to mention all the wonderful candies stored inside! yum! Thanks to our snoopy laugh a loud queen. heh :)

This was from gift 'not so secret santa' was Jesslyn...why not so secret? cux...they kinda went round finding out who their 'secrect' santa no secret there anymore! lol...not meee. i didn't ok..i like surprises though!:P but my santa told me the day before! hahahah.

Joyce sent me this beautiful card through sweet of her...didn't get to see her this can man. -_- so many stuff poped up and happen, didn't manage to meet some good people. next year next year yesh. :)

and...this came through the post tooooo!:D
omg! *guffles* soooo pretty!
it was from Jy! woohoo!
Thanks jy!:)))

taadaaa! The handmade bookmark she took me around i think 30 odd tries just to be able to get a decent photo like this in my room...noob.-_- but i'm quite happy with this shot...
i shall leave all the noob shots for another post...;P heh...If anyone is interested with the talented maker of such a pretty bookmark do let me know, i'll introduce you to her wonderful works!:))
or i can save you all the trouble and direct give you her
webby**Do check it out yea? :)
Good works need to be supported;)
Take care all you good people out there!Have yourself the Merriest little Christmas time!
oo..just a side note. Don't drink too much. and definitely don't drink and drive. ;) heh.
now go make some awesome memories!
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