Went to meet my buggers for a Friday dinner....and i was late...-_- at first i was a lil late....maybe 10-15 mins late..because i was wrapping the muffins....:) then for a totally 'very me' stupid reason i got even later....-____-'' Guess what happen? I bet there is no other idiot who would get lost at the Dobhy Ghaut Station.....aiiish.-_-
muffins..nicely wrapped so no rain water can get in. look the chesire cat is smiling at you!:D
Here's what happen....oo...wait, before that, on the mrt i missed my stop...because i was listening to the o-so-cute! mms bie and rek sent me to say they were at Swensons! hahaha...after finishing the msg i heard..."next stop...City Hall"....o.o!!! ahhh!I just missed my stop.....-_-''' hahaha....
So after correcting this funny error i finally reached Dobhy Ghaut.....i always have a problem finding the entrance from the mrt station leading in directly to the shopping centre itself...yes. laugh. so i walked up and down in different directions twice.....actually according to the directions given to me by my buggers later on, i was already on the correct time i shall stick to my guns and go all the way.....well, if wrong..then say.see :P
anyway, i didn' t manage to find it that day so i very half heartedly cross the road and walked towards the shopping centre.....still grumbling in my head why i couldn't find the place and shall attempt next and so...that was why i was nearly 20mins odd late....ahahaaha...:P
After all the mis-adventure i finally made it to Swenson's to meet my buggers!:)))
Here are some of the shots i liked taken by yee and bie respectively..:) thanks!
sze yee! and diyana!:)
i'm loving the new hairstyle o! ;) nice.
abby and rek.
You have to agree with me..they look so sweet in this photo!:D
sis sis! so cute!:)
the 3 of us tried to take good photos...but for most of it...only me and rek were smiling...bie was goofing...never tell us..together gather goof but i prefer the one which turned out quite funny....
very awesome....this is what we call candid with a tinge of readiness. lol.
rek. you are totally like taking a passport serious shot, i'm look like i'm containing my laughter and bie has lost it and let go into big laughter....i love the different stages in the photo!
after that attempt, this one went pretty well!
all smillesss.
heh.nice shot there yee!:)
*look at bie and jh.* this alwayyyyyyys happen. :P
and so what would you get....?
this is the outcome!
classic skills never grow old. ;P
and before bie left we took a group shot and also this photo caught my eye....
very sweet. nice. :))
2 pretty gorgeous daughters.
another group shot! :)
before bie went off to catch a fashion show and jh went off to thailand....
i wanna go alsooo.
after that lalalaa~ we swopped off to the starbucks near the esplande.
but on the way there....we met zuhairah...haven't seen her in some time...she was in my section and also from the same primary school class! what happens?
the camera swoops out!

let's samseng climb uplet's climb up...can get nicer view!
look at ting and jo...two on right...ever ready!:P
this was a shot where a few of us were not, diy and rek...obviously not as ready...:p hahha...
there. a good shot. :)
thanks ming kor for taking.
We sat in starbucks to discuss our pretty princess jo's birthday party!:)
after much brainstorming and also funny chats on the way we got most of the things settled...:)
we've got your back;)
It was an awesome fall in with my buggers.
we've got each other's back covered.
don't be afraid to ask if you need our shelter, we'll always be around.
no problem, or joy to share is considered too big, too small, too embarassing.
we're family.

Here's what happen....oo...wait, before that, on the mrt i missed my stop...because i was listening to the o-so-cute! mms bie and rek sent me to say they were at Swensons! hahaha...after finishing the msg i heard..."next stop...City Hall"....o.o!!! ahhh!I just missed my stop.....-_-''' hahaha....
So after correcting this funny error i finally reached Dobhy Ghaut.....i always have a problem finding the entrance from the mrt station leading in directly to the shopping centre itself...yes. laugh. so i walked up and down in different directions twice.....actually according to the directions given to me by my buggers later on, i was already on the correct time i shall stick to my guns and go all the way.....well, if wrong..then say.see :P
anyway, i didn' t manage to find it that day so i very half heartedly cross the road and walked towards the shopping centre.....still grumbling in my head why i couldn't find the place and shall attempt next and so...that was why i was nearly 20mins odd late....ahahaaha...:P
Here are some of the shots i liked taken by yee and bie respectively..:) thanks!

You have to agree with me..they look so sweet in this photo!:D

rek. you are totally like taking a passport serious shot, i'm look like i'm containing my laughter and bie has lost it and let go into big laughter....i love the different stages in the photo!

all smillesss.
heh.nice shot there yee!:)

and so what would you get....?

classic skills never grow old. ;P

very sweet. nice. :))
2 pretty gorgeous daughters.

before bie went off to catch a fashion show and jh went off to thailand....
i wanna go alsooo.
after that lalalaa~ we swopped off to the starbucks near the esplande.
but on the way there....we met zuhairah...haven't seen her in some time...she was in my section and also from the same primary school class! what happens?
the camera swoops out!

look at ting and jo...two on right...ever ready!:P

thanks ming kor for taking.
after much brainstorming and also funny chats on the way we got most of the things settled...:)
we've got your back;)
It was an awesome fall in with my buggers.
we've got each other's back covered.
don't be afraid to ask if you need our shelter, we'll always be around.
no problem, or joy to share is considered too big, too small, too embarassing.
we're family.
take care peeps.
be a nice human!
be a nice human!