And then at the immegration....snap snap snap...

jibjib is trying to show us the joreen way of taking picture...must have the pose to get a good photoshot of someone else...;P
We have arrived at Batam Harris resort.


Again while abby was very dutifully wonderfully helped us check in....we ventured for more photo time....*abby....our very wonderful welfare mistress...thank yous to you!xie xie!muacks*

like this one! swing swing swing! we are kids at heart. never too old for a swing!;D
Then off we were to our rooms!

rek,ting and i shared the same room.:)
bie, jo and yee shared the room next door...and we were surprised and very excited when we found out it was inter connecting rooms! yahoooo!

this is what you get when you put 3 girls in the same room....heh.:P

Sis! this one i steal from your blog one...cause looks so nice...hee...:P
If you know the buggers....old habits die hard....
we can take hours to decide on
then finally we decided....wooosh!

of course! a group shot is needed before we game on!
yesh, i know, i look round. don't tell me. 
Time for water sports!
Banana Boat!!
It was awesomely funnnnn!

After some sea sports...what better way to cool oneself down then to have a dunk into the pool! wooohoo...Yes. i admit..i'm a swaa koo...i have no idea how to do a elephant jump into the pool..i needed some demo first...:P


hairs all messed up...but that's the fun of it...who say unless your hair and dressing is all beautiful then it'll be a good picture....this one's awesome.:D
*ok, a little short of awesome...because yee helped us take the photo and isnt in it.....:( *

Can you see what we're trying to do...? it was one whole series of 1-10 shots...these are just afew of it....and most of the time i lost count on which shot we were

while the other gals were getting ready....we were watching harry potter and munching on a yummy wafer kor brought....the easiest way to get the deco done and not letting meng know is to say...'we're doing girl's stuff'
LOL.....give me a break...i couldn't think of a better excuse.....:p opps.

After much preperation....the birthday party is on!:)
where am i...yeeeps! i'm not in any of the photos....but i did do work okok...really..i helped blow balloons and steal balloons to make balloon flower! wahahaha.

Before the guys arrived...well...lets just said the girls had a little time to spare....;)

We happy can....haha.
i love the two repeated pics. they look so good!
Surprise surprise!

The video of the surprise is on the
previous post.

Presenting of the balloon flower and
homemade handmade card.

Birthday boy and the beautiful decos. :)

a group timer shot. :D

the birthday cake...supplementry of the resort. they are so nice.and because bie help coordinated. :)

ahhh.sis looks so cute!

as quoted. " for the whole trip there were more photographers than models" how aptly put into still through this photo....;P

after all the fanfare...we went for supper at the monkey beach hut...which was also where we had our water sports. :)

We were eating yummi food...and was eaten by mosquitos...-___-
On the day of return.....

We went to the kids pool....what did we big buffaloes do there? :P

Had a little was fun!
I had to go right to the middle of the pool to capture some shots and pose for it....and because i was too short...or rather, my pants were too long...they got a little wet. :p

i liked this one best!
what better pose to do than cheeky kiddy faces at a kids pool.
photo credits to rekkha!:)

Hehe...can you guess what we're doing?

reflections reflections...

One of the last few shots before we left the place of wonderful memories....

Here we are in a taxi to the ferry terminal....

Reached the ferry terminal and here we are at the front deck! that's why you can see our wind swept hair styles....

Throughout our journey....i think we enjoy lotsa a& heres one specially to remember our a&w moments....heh.;)

before you know it...all the fun ended...but memories are what we'll always keep.
and no worries...we are buggers..there are more happy memories to make!:)
just as how we wished upon that coin. :)
yeas. loves.