Heyhey peeps...=) How have you been going..? Let me see...hmmx..i think i have not blogged for about a week..wow. Been so busy this whole week, not to mention tireeeeddd...haha..:p
Been treading a little inside the choppy waters this week. Feeling a little spaced out lately...No ones at fault here, i guess everyone is tired with every thing else. And sometimes when things go wrong, every other piece seems to be like a domino and follow in the same manner. But at the end of the line...when your tired and out....When we decided to stop a lil, step back and look at everything, and remember what are we doing, why are we doing this. That might just be the little trick to motivation to give us a little more strength to carry on what we need to do...=) yea.
After one whole week of stuff, today, i felt a little miserable. I felt i should have and could have done more.Argh. My bad.
I took things slow on the way home. Literally. Having my trusty mp3 i walked to the library to collect mom's book she had reserved. On the way home got two comics...wonder if they are good. My pace walking back, was slow. With caps. SLOW.
A few people walk past me turned back to check if i was ok..haha...or they gave me the weird stare.. haha...at least it shows they were concerned for another human being. thats good. hee..=P
Back home i sat for almost half an hour below my house near the little pond. I just sat with me mp3 music flowing into my ears...i thought and thought and dazed a little. It feels nice to be able to sit down and do nothing. Daydreaming. haha...
Today was bad, and it kinda triggered me of some memories which happened in sec 1 (i think? or was it 2?) back at MSL. It was our very first performance for the band. We had to play "eye of the tiger" wah. nostalgia. XD And we got screwed, we all felt horrible. And under daddy we persevered to make it good. I love our never say die, won't give up spirit. yea. with the type of 'bu gan xin' we strive on to make it good. And the next day, the performance was a hit. It was our first in school performance after all...=)
today. I felt that sort of 'bu gan xin' again. because i knew we could do it. everyone worked so hard. it was just a little error. I should have not only just reminded of the time, i should have come up with a production schedule....hmphx. ok. i guess this shall be a lesson..next time we know that we must keep in mind the times for rehearsals...but i think we would have really done well. yesh. =) o well. nvm. i shall keep that nice vision of our end product in my head.
Lets do better next week ya..? Don't feel discouraged...we can do it man! =D jia you jia you! gambatte! when we are down. the only other way is to go up! we can do it together!
o yea. I didn't manage to say this. though we didn't do as well as we hoped to and got "K.O" all over. I still wanna say this to my lovely team today;
Madam. Ben. Husky.Joslyn. Yoyo. Ash. Emma. Pris. Fiona. 大家辛苦了!Good job. =)
We can do better next week! Chong ah!
* o yes. and special thanks to Shirley who helped us to press the mac. =)
I shall not look forward to studio next week. cux i think i sort of jinxed it. i get disappointed when i get over excited over something. Could it have been my fault...? o no. i hope today was not jinxed by me. :X gomen nasai!
Here are some random photos i took with my hp...

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