lil alienations:Labour day. Celebrated on 1st of May.A public holiday.Labour day is a day where almost all working personnel get to have a off day and have a day worths of rest to acknowledge and celebrate their economic and social achievements of the workers. :))
Today was a good day. Busy busy adventure. Haha...:P Adventure among the people,Jinjin and I rushed down to Bugis to get a pressie. Wah!! Bugis is like full of people! I think the whole world was there or something. Which after we made it down to meet huan and fang. Yay! Finally all covalents present! wee! =D
At Orchard, though there was alot of people, it didn't seem as bad as it was in bugis. Bugis was just crazy man...haha...We went shopping abit. No one could decide where to go...So i had to decide..haha...I wanted to bring a camera today. But I forgot...but, its ok, cause we went to take neoprints! yea! =)
Here are some of the buys I gotten...i gotten a
Yeapx...those were my buys for today...=) but this isn't the reason why I am so happy today...I'm happy because we finally settled something. We got the truth out, and it wasn't as bad as we thought. So i'm happy. I can heave a sigh of relieve. :) i'm glad that now we know and we are not in the darks feeling worried and helpless.
I now, all the more thank my buddha, god and people above.
Because, I know good people, I have great people around me.
And, i am very thankful of having a real great family, mumi,dadi and bro.
And my friends are always the best. they are my second family. :)
Love you ALL.
There could have been so many ways as to how my life would have turn out, but i really count my blessings. Maybe if I didn't have all the lovely people around me, I wouldn't even be me.
Yes. I nearly left this part out...heh! lucky i are our neoprints from yesterday! Yay!
Y is the top left hand print like that? hahaha!! thats because we cant read japanese and there were no eng translation. So we didn't know what we were doing. and then it became like tt,. -_-''

this were the two small ones which I decided to scan in first before cutting it into small pieces. Yea. Today is a happy neoprinting day!=)

Yeah. People count your blessings. Haha...count your blessings that you met me too! haa..joking joking! But yea, I'm happy to know all of you and you are good humans! hee! XD
take care peeps! Loves. =D
Yes. I nearly left this part out...heh! lucky i are our neoprints from yesterday! Yay!

this were the two small ones which I decided to scan in first before cutting it into small pieces. Yea. Today is a happy neoprinting day!=)

Yeah. People count your blessings. Haha...count your blessings that you met me too! haa..joking joking! But yea, I'm happy to know all of you and you are good humans! hee! XD
take care peeps! Loves. =D

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