"Whats right is right, even if no-one is doing it. Whats wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it"

There is this latest drink 'sensation' in Singapore. It was launched into the shores recently, and guess what its called. ANYTHING and WHATEVER.
ya man. thats their brand names. Zzz..=P haha...what were they thinking man? But oh well, I'm sure they had their marketing strategy. Actually coming to think of it, its quite a novel idea. There are times when we really can't make up our mind on what to drink and we go, whatever lah. chin chye. Anything also can. Hahaha! So i guess this is where this drinks come in handy.
And both WHATEVER and ANYTHING do not label what is the contents inside the can. WHATEVER has 6 different carbonated fizzy flavours whereas ANYTHING has 6 different non carbonated fizzy flavours.
Novelty yes. Definitely. Taste? I have yet to try. But. Can it last? If you ask me...I think its just going to be another fad in the industry, coming and going. UNLESS. they are able to do constant improvement and know what the target customers want and from there cater to their needs.
But then again, this drinks might just prove me wrong..? Time will tell.
Check out their official webby: http://www.anything.com.sg/
Would you drink anything or whatever...?
Chinchye lah. Sui bian. :P
i think u got it another way round. WHATEVE is non carbonated.