lil alienations: Pun of the day.
Mary, Will You Marry me?
Marry me, will you Mary?
............................................................................................................................................................Marry me, will you Mary?
Yoohoo peeps. =) How was your day today? Was it a good one a bad one, a tiring one...? If you would like to share your day and cant find me somehow... You can always tag or leave a comment...yeapx..:)
Coming back to today. I think we spend almost the whole of today at Star bucks at Wisma Atria. I admit, we were abit high' and not too focus only until much later in the day. But in the end we managed to get the beat sheet done and stuff. So tomorrow we can put it down into the script i hope. :)) Note to us: Jia you jia you!Gambatte nehx! Hulaa Girls! heh. ;)
Here are some of the random photos rachel help took using her handphone..whilte we were there.
Heres us at work.rach is not in the scene as she's behind the hp camera. haha...
And then. here is Song De doing a demo for the unofficial New types of sign languages. Haha. :p Enjoy.
Yeapx. Thats all for today folks...=) hope your day ahead will be a great one! Loves. Huggs.
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