Heyheys. I'm back. Finally. Its been a tiring and stressful first week for me. I'm so tired. And that was just the first week man. Jia you jia you to me! =) haha. So i guess that answers the query of why I have been missing for the past few days. Stress stress and more stress. Usually by the time I'm done with everything I will be too tired to do much reading before I sleep.
Anyway. I have been wanting to blog about this since tuesday but just haven't gotten the chance to do it yet. So I would really want to give a rousing applause to my juniors from MSL concert Band! My heartiest congratulations!! You have did it again! :))) I am so proud of you all.
That day for certain reasons I couldn't be at the actual competition site ( and I was feeling so bad about it.:( ) but my heart and spirit was there with them all the while. The whole morning while I was in school I kept thinking of them. I took my phone out of my pocket just in case I missed a call. My body was in school but my mind had long flew away... When I received the news finally at near noon time. I was so relieved and happy. I was ecstatic, mabs who was sitting next to me must have been thinking I had gotten my screw loose. :P
Yes. So once again. MSL band. Uncle Tan. Congratulations!! :)))))
O yes. Let me say a little about my class this year. This year is a little different from the past few years. As we are now in our respective more in depth courses and choosing different electives we are mostly having more than one class each. I am considered lucky, I am only have two classes. Some of my friends have up to four.
Out of the four Unglams on Elf and Alex are in the same class as me. And only Alex is in the same classes as me everyday. For the other people I know in class are not with me everyday. They come in only on certain days...nevertheless. I'm still happy to see familiar faces! :) butbut. of course. that doesn't mean I hate my new classmates or anything like that. It's just that I still haven't got to know them well and still am rather shy around them. *( aha! i know, you must be thinking. Yah. right. Sarah shy?! wahaha! o well. don't ask me why. I tend to be more shelled up when I meet new people at times. I need time to warm up just like a car engine. Haha! )
I heard from a friend that her friends told her that I was too quiet. argh. thats bad. hope they don't think i'm 'dao'. ahahaha...I guess that's just my character. I don't open up as easily and as fast maybe? I'm like a slow tortise. Or a alienated alien. :P
But. yupx. as you people might know. Once you all get to know me. or rather when my engine's warm up.haa...I don't think i'm that quiet and shy person anymore. I will be a scary little monster or alien for that matter..;) heh.

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