Are we really such sad people? ( no pun intended.) The host asked a question, are you happy currently? Not in today or yesterday, but overall as a whole.
Let me think. Hmmx...On the whole I think I am a happy person! Yeah! \m/ rock on.
ok. Sometimes I have my bad horrible down days too, but overall I think I am still a happy kid.
Comeon, whats there not to be happy about. I can grumble, I can talk, I can shout, I can run, I can do stuff I want, I can have 3 meals a day, i have a house to live in, I have my family and I have my friends who will listen to my grumbles...So what is there not to happy about in my life?
Yes. I might be far from perfect. *mark far. Very v. far.* But I feel that does not stop me from being a happy kid. Maybe, if you were to think critically in another way, I am just another kid who is very easily satisfied. *haa you wish.*
There was a girl from Jap who said she was not happy because she wasn't happy with her figure. Like. Dumb. But thats to me. Maybe to her it is so very important.
Are you a happy person...? What makes you happy? :) Think about it.

Whilst you are being happy, never forget to make the people beside you happy too. When sorrow is shared it is halved, but when happiness is shared it is doubled. remember that.
to me, making people happy is a real happy task. it might not be that hard. Sometimes a little bright smile or a helping hand an encouraging word or hug might just be the little gesture to make the person's day.
Go ahead. Make someone have a big wide smile on their face today and have one on yours too! Loves.

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