Apart from the donation method i found directly to the Japanese Red Cross which i mentioned earlier Here* using credit/debit card online transaction method, there are now 2 other methods (i've directly put the scanned picture here for you guys):

(to have a clearer view of the article just directly click on it to view it as an image so it will open up bigger for easier reading)
This is the link for the Mercy Relief Japan Quake Update page, it has its address for donations too.
I couldn't find the Singapore Red Cross link with the exact details but i found it on the TODAY paper (online) version. It also contains methods of donation similar to the article shown here, but the article gives more details.
If your not from Singapore i also read up on Yahoo! News of ways to donate. I'll leave the link here for your easy references:
Japan earthquake and tsunami: How to help
Just remember to donate through legitimate charity organisations such as redcross and such.
Beware of those fraud people soliciting through email or telemarketing. More tips can be read here.

Lets just do it for our fellow human beings, i'm sure they would do the same for us too
Japan, we with you all the way!
I went to my youtube site and saw through my page subscribsions one of the online dudes doing their own bit to support Japan. yea, so i think its really like putting your creativity into good use and helping out one way or another. i'll show you all the video done by nigahiga - Honk for Japan!
So, the gist is he writes a placard honk if you support japan or love japan or something in that sense and for every honk the people on the LA street gave he generously donated $10, generating about $600 just through that video alone. and for every 1,000,000 views that the video gets, he will donate another $600.
Small everyday people in the world reaching deep to SHOW SOME LOVE TO JAPAN!
So, take just 3mins to watch it, so if your pocket doesn't enable you to help, at least you tried.;) Thank you. :)
in other thoughts...(not related to anything above)
Usually i'm not the kind of person who really enjoys the news coverage of people getting the press to showcase them donating money. if the press found out, then thats a totally different story, but if you get the media to come interview, press con you giving money, donating to charity. bfffpptfft. really, did you do it for 'face'? or did you really care?
but anyway, the money will go a long way, with such a huge sum somemore.
so in the benefit of doubt, the press just happened to found out, and you were really caring when you had the intention to donate. so, thank you too. you are a generous soul.
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