lilaLienations: Just a lil shout out to my teachers and friends who are teachers. Happy Teachers Day!:)) You deserve a special day just for yourself!:))) Yesh thats right. ;) Go enjoy it! Give youself a pat on the back if your a good teacher and then use the other hand to give urself another pat, that one's from me.:)
Happy Birthday Joy.
May your life be as your name goesn joyful and spirited! With all the love in the world:)
I'm sure you will grow up to be Tiffany's precious jewel and to all around too.
Grow up slowly. :)

baby koala.

I realised i left out one N
Its Wenxin:)

You are loved by so many
aunties jiejies :D
It is just lovely to always see your secondary school sisters. :)
and they still always look soo soo pretty :)))
Last weekend tiffany invited us through yee's coordination for baby joys first birthday. :) The last time i saw her was last year for baby joy's first month...? or was it...gosh i forgot. i'm getting old.:p haha..
And the rest of the story i'll try to just let the pictures talk to you...;)

Come come. come take photos with us joy. :)

This was when it was still early....
attempt fail. bb joy ranaway...hahaa...

after help of tiff's moma we managed to get a rather decent pic without joy running away.

and then there must be just the ladies.
i like the feel of this one...the colour is very nice.

bb joy n baby joy. :)

a smile for the camera women.

when children smile at me.
i tell you. i melt. :)
i love photos of kids even though it THE hardest to take.

Here's rek trying to 'bao' joy.
But joy doesn't seem to enjoy just anybodies 'bao bao'
I was honoured enough *ahems* to 'baobao' her when we first arrived.
me. bie. xiao hui and qiu qi
*yay. victory* lols
but no pics of me hugging bb joy though, didnt rmb to take a pic...aww..
yay. bb joy doesn't discriminate against ugly faced people like me. for now. next time i see you bb i will look better! hahaha...

xiaohuijie and joy

i love this scratch head and smile pose. uber uber cute!

I am so happy that i get to meet xiao hui and qiuqi:)

this was much earlier in the day when we were the only guest.

Yay! Here comes a series of bb joy @ lunch.

the super kaypo look. she was trying to look out of the kitchen to get a view of who had just arrived...


spell. C U T E LIL K O A L A!

Kids get entertained so easily.
they are contented and happy with a key.
what happen when we grew up.
*lets get in touch with our innocent more non pretentious easily happy childhood*:)

i really like this two pics.

Because it very unpretentiously casually show a grandma's love.

and here comes the birthday pics.:) I have alot more on fb..if your on my fb list and would like to see the rest of the cute pics of bb joy its on my fb acct. ;)

momi and daughter so happy.

Wishing you all the joy in the world.
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