Usually, if this were some other bands or random singers i guess i wouldn't really post it up here. So, i guess this is what i learnt in news writing class, it's called prominence. It only has news value or post-value because i love the band. haha!
During my daily routine of the papers today *and of course during my daily routine of going through the papers i keep my eyes bright for mayday news.lol* i saw this article.....If you don't get Chinese it writes "Content for concert different for both days: Mayday fans screams unjust."
In case your still lost, Mayday will be performing in Singapore for two nights for this DNA concert; 28 & 29 Aug 2009. aka. 828 and 829 concert dates. 828 concert so happens to fall on their 10th anniversery thus they promise to sing till midnight! *wooohooo!* But because they need to get the whole stage desembled by noon the next day they won't be able to go all through till midnight or so says the organisers. To make up for it they will choose 50 lucky fans to go backstage for a photo taking session with mayday. i would still choose midnight to havoc together? Cause 50 over the thousands of people, what are the chances i'll land in the top 50? hahaa...

anyway. while i was reading this i was thinking to myself, if i had been one of the fans who bought tickets to the 829 concert, i would also very inadvertably feel dissapointed i guess. 829 concert needed pre-order and bookings 6mths before the actual concert tickets were sold! 828 was a add on concert to meet the demands due to the overwhelming response from 829 concert. So imagine the anger the fans felt when they were told the tickets they booked long ago wasn't going to earn them a concert till midnight. If it were me, i think i would feel a little upset too....i think? I'm not too sure...because i gotten the 828 concert tickets! yay for me and my gals. no, i'm not gloating or trying to make any more fans feel angered. last thing i would wanna do. haha.
but, luckily the fans are smart enough to realise it is of no fault of mayday, more like the organisers glitch. But then....we're not the organisers, i'm sure they have a surmount of headache too.
But i'm positively sure, if it were up to mayday to decide, they would sing till midnight for both shows if they had their way. But i guess, in the world of bussiness, not everything is so rosy.
In case your still lost, Mayday will be performing in Singapore for two nights for this DNA concert; 28 & 29 Aug 2009. aka. 828 and 829 concert dates. 828 concert so happens to fall on their 10th anniversery thus they promise to sing till midnight! *wooohooo!* But because they need to get the whole stage desembled by noon the next day they won't be able to go all through till midnight or so says the organisers. To make up for it they will choose 50 lucky fans to go backstage for a photo taking session with mayday. i would still choose midnight to havoc together? Cause 50 over the thousands of people, what are the chances i'll land in the top 50? hahaa...

anyway. while i was reading this i was thinking to myself, if i had been one of the fans who bought tickets to the 829 concert, i would also very inadvertably feel dissapointed i guess. 829 concert needed pre-order and bookings 6mths before the actual concert tickets were sold! 828 was a add on concert to meet the demands due to the overwhelming response from 829 concert. So imagine the anger the fans felt when they were told the tickets they booked long ago wasn't going to earn them a concert till midnight. If it were me, i think i would feel a little upset too....i think? I'm not too sure...because i gotten the 828 concert tickets! yay for me and my gals. no, i'm not gloating or trying to make any more fans feel angered. last thing i would wanna do. haha.
but, luckily the fans are smart enough to realise it is of no fault of mayday, more like the organisers glitch. But then....we're not the organisers, i'm sure they have a surmount of headache too.
But i'm positively sure, if it were up to mayday to decide, they would sing till midnight for both shows if they had their way. But i guess, in the world of bussiness, not everything is so rosy.
Midnight or not. I'm sure they will always make our tickets worth the value.
10 years ago. 828.
Jia you Mayday!:)
I'll be looking forward to 828!:D
Dat Nite in August
*update. you can read the concert article of which i went to here.
I'll be looking forward to 828!:D
Dat Nite in August
*update. you can read the concert article of which i went to here.
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