
Ip Man. Not to be pronounced or known as I.P man, someone who deals with codings or anything in that sector. Ip Man is to be pronounced as Yip Mun. 叶问.
I watched this show quite a little while back and thought it was rather good! Wanted to introduce you guys the film but haven't had the time to properly sit ad write about it till now. But not to worry, if it's not showing in the theaters theres always the DVD or VCD.;)
This is one show which i highly recommend to catch. Why? Because, for people who know me, i usually only try to catch show genres which i like in the cinema or big blockbusters in the cinema.
But. for this show. The trailer was enough to entail me to know that i needed to catch the show. I felt it was that kinda good.
Everyone knows the great and mighty Bruce Lee. But does anyone know anything about his shi fu. And the style he uses? I think its time to give a little credit to his shi fu who is less well known, but should not now that the movie is out. He should get all the credit he deserves!;)
Kudos to the whole team behind the film, esp the director & action director summo hong (ok, i bias i do like this big round man since i was a kid. he and jackie chan fighting are like wow. fun. :P) and i love the art director and backdrop and props people. nice. :)
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