And particularly on thurdays night. I can't help but surfing and switching in between the channels. 5 & 8 or was is it 5 & U...hmmx...anyway, i think there are just too many good shows crammed onto thursdays! hahaa...the only day where i'll will obidiently sit the whole night glued to the screen. :P and its not just me, kinda dragged my mum to catch project runway too. She likes it, just that its airing way too late for her...:p
So whats on Thursdays night after 8pm?
Channel 5 : Don't forget the lyrics.

the quirky contestants very often make the show more splendid. but its always the host which makes or breaks the show.
in this case, i think this guy host Wayne Brady (from WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY) is a perfect choice for the show. he adds punch to the show. :)
awesome show. catch it if you haven't already. :)
local tv i think would most probably be airing like the first season? they might have quite a few already.....:p
channel U (or is it 8?) at 8pm: The King of Adventure 冒險王

Has anyone caught this show yet? If you realised, i like to catch travel shows, docu etc. I didn't really catch the first two seasons of this show, was it even really aired here? hmmx...?
But, i fell in love with this show for two reasons ok, maybe three. Personal bias, its a travel show, and i like to catch it, but to make me stay with it week after week. It must have its charm...:p
Reason 1: Good host!:) good host are very important in any show, any host which is a total bore or no charmer for any reason will just put people off or to sleep....ZzzZzZZ...

I love all the antics the typicality, the un-typicality, suspense, jokes. I just totally enjoy the show.
I root for the underdogs. can't blame me...haha...:p
Catch Ugly Betty!
But, i fell in love with this show for two reasons ok, maybe three. Personal bias, its a travel show, and i like to catch it, but to make me stay with it week after week. It must have its charm...:p
Reason 1: Good host!:) good host are very important in any show, any host which is a total bore or no charmer for any reason will just put people off or to sleep....ZzzZzZZ...

(which losely translates to:who won best variety host or something like that.)
haha..pardon me...:p but totally deserving. I like his hosting. makes the show great to watch. the whole group doesn't just go to the famous destination which every other travel show goes to. They travel the less taken path which makes it all the more interesting to see.
I think i'll miss this wacky host when they change to a new host for a new season... awww~
anyway, do check out the show!;) you can still catch this crazy host and his wacky antics!Xp
Heres the blog and sites for your interest. :) check it out **here** and **here**
Interesting comperes and host are so important!
they make the programme, show come to life. :)
Fast forward to 10pm.
(which losely translates to:who won best variety host or something like that.)
haha..pardon me...:p but totally deserving. I like his hosting. makes the show great to watch. the whole group doesn't just go to the famous destination which every other travel show goes to. They travel the less taken path which makes it all the more interesting to see.
I think i'll miss this wacky host when they change to a new host for a new season... awww~
anyway, do check out the show!;) you can still catch this crazy host and his wacky antics!Xp
Heres the blog and sites for your interest. :) check it out **here** and **here**
Interesting comperes and host are so important!
they make the programme, show come to life. :)
Fast forward to 10pm.
Channel 5: Ugly Betty.
If you haven't heard of Ugly Betty...where were you?! haha...kidding...:p I just really love this english drama and its the only one which has been able to kept me wanting more...i can't wait for season 3! yay!:)
The whole cast is great. Every individual does their role well and it gels together in the show.

The whole cast is great. Every individual does their role well and it gels together in the show.

I root for the underdogs. can't blame me...haha...:p
Catch Ugly Betty!
Last great programme on a thursday night.
channel 5 11pm: Project Runway! Season...?

They design clothes, they catfight, they create awesome stuff, not so awesome stuff. Its all so interesting to see what they come out at the end of the day!
I always love to hear how heidi klum says goodbye in German? (pardon me! :X i dunno. correct me if im wrong) How she says goodbye, just through listening its pronounced as afee dazen~
Sounds nice, even though when the contestants hear this means their time is up on the show, so that would be the last thing they wanna hear...haha..:P
channel 5 11pm: Project Runway! Season...?

They design clothes, they catfight, they create awesome stuff, not so awesome stuff. Its all so interesting to see what they come out at the end of the day!

Sounds nice, even though when the contestants hear this means their time is up on the show, so that would be the last thing they wanna hear...haha..:P
Yeapyeaps, so thats whats with all the great shows on thursday night...spread it out mannn...:P haha...were any of these your favourites? Do catch them, they're good. :) enjoy!
take care peeps.
be a nice human.
be a nice human.
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