You give an impression of a dreaming little girl, but unlike your outside impression, you are very cautious and do not easily let other people in your heart.
Characteristics of this type of people tend to be rather weak and simple.
You want to depend on others heavily.
Therefore, you are good at reading people's character, and have clear preferences of people.
Although you tend to be a quiet person, you have intelligence, and once you are in action, you become very practical.
Your dreams are big, and you try to make it come true through your experiences.
Your dream will be decided according to the circumstances you are born.
Raccoon people have kind hearts and are full of volunteer spirits.
You take extreme good care of those people below your rank or those who are weak.
You are always enduring and show perseverance.
You are especially not afraid to face men.
You don't like to be alone, and therefore feel safe where there are lots of people.
By working and living in a group will improve you, and makes it possible to understanding yourself further, and be able to build up a better life.
Once married, you will do anything to help your husband, and can become a good housewife.
But you may become little too demanding, so be careful.
be careful...*cheng cheng cheng* sound effects -_-''.
sorry. i just had to do that. :p
hmmx. a good analysis. what a wonder.
if you wanna have a lil daily fun just like me you can try out your own **here***
Have fun!:)
and no matter how real it sounds, take it with a pinch of salt. ;)
caught a cold...:(
going to bed now.
night nights~=)
take good care of yourself from this erratic weather....
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