As are the pictures for the toy and comic fest (part 1!~:))
This was the first store we stopped at to officially start 'wowing' 'ooing' and 'aaaing' all those oggling started here. lol. :P
I like some of their creations, they might be ugly in a sense, but ugly-cute...haha...:p
i suddenly remember in sec band days, uncle tan told us, cute means being ugly but adorable. hahaha...:P
quoted from jy ' the stunned face'
Ling thought this was too cute to miss a photo taadaa~ a black ugly but maybe cute! doodoll~=)
doodolls remind me of some stuffs' which i really like but hasn't hit local shores with much in stock...the uglydolls.
Check them out
here** I think their ugly~cute...:P anyone going to ship in one for meeee? haha..:P
I was so happy to see these i only was excited to take a photo of it...but i forgot to go in and see the booth for it....-_-'''' what a scatter brain.
blyth dolls.
not exactly my favourite...actually, by choice i wouldn't have taken this picture...lols...
i think i have a phobia of human looking dolls, i'm afraid they might just come alive or something. *shrudders. :S
this booth was doing on the spot drawing.
wedding bear dolls. this booth had very little people. it did not attract people like bees to honey...maybe in a sense it has a limited market because of the 'XI" or double happiness on it...which is usually only used during weddings....:P
its black. its white.
reminds me of micheal jackson's song.
i remember only building very simple stuff with lego....:P
national day is coming i shall end with this one for part 1 of the photos for toy and anime fest 08'~
Stay tuned to catch the rest...=P heh.
hope you liked them..
be a nice human!
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