Yay! Tofus!:))
Today's post will be just filled with pictures from the fest...hope you'll enjoy!:D

mr toki doki!!:D
(ok, he does have a proper name...but but, he is mr toki doki! ahaha...:P)

products from tokidoki~ me like tokidoki! :D

aren't they bright and cheery?

Devil Robots and Tofu man......weeeeeeee~ =))
me love tofusss.

these were all for sale.

so cute can die right.:P

if i could, i would sweep everything home...haha

their screaming: take me home!:D

he was signing autographs!
(but i didn't have the time or like to queue... :( :p but i did get the poster! yays!)

Did you notice this man doing something?

yea, he was designing tofus live! wow.

see...i think this was done by many different artist. i recognise many of them...as in the artist which drawn them i mean.

but this one looked awfully familiar....by coincidence? it looks like our very own STA Stampy which Eeshaun drew....did he drew that...? or is it just a coincidence....? hehe...
anyone knows?

tofu tofu tofu!

take them at every angle! haha...:P

fishy liked this very much...haha

the lighting wasn't intentional...the photo happen to come out that way because of the lighting done inside the display glass....haha...:p
Yeap yeap yeaps.
that's all for the pictures for this installment..
hope you had fun seeing them!
enjoy the week.
take care and be a nice human peeps!
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