Either i usually do not have dreams or i totally have no recollections of them when i wake up. Once in a blue moon i get some weird dreams...or repeated or continued dreams...like you know..in story form..? I get that...haha..
Anyway, last night dream was kinda bizarre...and i think its all fishy's fault-_-''...read on and you'll understand why...haa.:P
So the bits and pieces which i can recall from the dream are as follows....

I was shooting (camera) something when i fell off the stage as i was backing to get a better wider angle. It was a preparation for a band's concert...but i have no idea whose is it (how i wish it was maydays!lol:P)...and as i was doing event coverage i fell offstage, and as usual i started laughing in embarrassment.
And as i stood up i turned around and banged into Jam. (ya. jam hsiao!-_-'' of all people. my dream why have fishy's idol...why not my idol?! haha...) I didn't see his face at first, then i just laughed and said very loudy "i'm fine, its ok, no problem, not hurt!" you know, like how i like to cover up for my own embarrassment.
Then he turned around then i saw his face, but i didn't recognise him at all. All he said was "mei shi jiu hao. bye." And went off with another girl and two more guys. In my dream, i recall thinking, who is this guy...? that mole and that hair very familiar leh....lol.
*then i can't remember anything in between*
then the next part is that...
I answered a call from someone asking me for the event photos and rush down in a cab to meet him the negatives (read negatives! who uses negatives nowadays for events? expensive! :P well, anything can happen in dreams)
I can remember what the person said clearly:
Unknown person (UP): may. you got the event pics all shot up?
me: done. and fell off the stage gracefully too.
UP: o ya. i heard about that, very happening ah you, the event organiser called me, the band got a shock from your fall.
me: haha...don't remind me can. 'dui lian leh' where you want me to meet you to pass you the negatives? I didn't bring any case.
UP: just get into any cab, they will know where to bring you.
me: really ah. sure or not? I don't want to end up in africa...
With that i ended the phone conversation, i think there were somemore rubbish in between which i can't recall....haha...but it gets even weirder from there. I told you it was a weird dream!:P
I remember hailing the cab ( it was a yellow taxi, like the one in the big yellow taxi mv), but had to share it with jam (him again!-_-') because his assistant or lady beside him in black * i presume is his assistant* said, they had been waiting for half an hour with no luck.
i remember the rough details where she asked me, so do you know him...? I said ya he's been to Singapore before. * nt totally answering the question at all i realised.*
Anyway the assistant lady blabed on alot of more things (which i can't recall) and was thanking
me for sharing cab if not they'll be late for something.
And she was asking for my name, when miraculously, kaya man *jam* open his mouth and said in chinese " die dao de nu hai" which translate to the girl which fell down. -_-'''
Thanks ah...i said.
*then parts which i can't remember*
last part of dream which i can remember! continued...
The assistant asked me what i wanted in return for sharing the cab, to show their gratitude (to think of it, share cab nia mah...lol)
At first i said nothing, no need, then she wanted to pass me his album and posters with signature or something like that.
Then i said something which is quite funny coming to think of it now, i faced jam and said ( in chinese of course):
Can you help me sign two big big autographs for my friends, if they know i met you and not get a autograph for them, they might kill me. He happily obliged, the first one i got was for ting, my sis, easy easy, cause i remember how to write her name in chinese.
Then the second autograph he asked me who should i sign it for, was it for me...I said no, its for your big fan so must sign big big. (to think i said that!)
Then i said, her name is Huiling.He asked me which 'hui' and which 'ling'
I was thinking, die! Never see her name in chinese before, or seldom. Then i answered:
"zhi hui de hui" then the 'ling' just anyone can do. hahahah....:P i'm so sui bian...then i say at the side you add xiao yu can..? (chinese for small fish)
He was amused and asked me why, then i explain cause later if the name wrong, the chinese one still got link cause its fishy in english.
End of dream.
That's all i can recall from my dream...i know the dream was much longer, but i don't remember the rest of it...:P didn't get his response anyway...haha...yea..this is a weird dreams...but then again, aren't all dreams weird?
You probably didn't get what the whole dream is about right..? Its quite jumbled up in my memory too, just bits and pieces here and there...I would be more happy to recall if it were my idols in the dream instead....:P
I wonder if this dream would have a continued episode in another dream next time..? hmmx...nah...dream of things i like instead pls!:P

Dreams are very queer things, there is a tinge of mystical factor to it. I don't know if this is by sheer coincidence, but there are things in which i have dreamt of and it turning into reality...coincidence? I'm not too sure myself....
The one etched inside my memory is the one when i was still in primary school, living in my old house.
I was having a dream about a fire happening in school(my primary school), and there were many many people. All students were ushered out to the field and basketball court.
Then my mum woke me up, and i changed and got ready for school. My mum sent me to school, midday the school alarm ring. ( you wouldn't so coincidentally think it is a fire right? after all, school fire alarm do go off from time to time due to faulty systems or pranksters....)
Anyway, it rang for awhile and my teacher in charge went to check ( or was it another class teacher coming to inform us? i've forgotten the details:P ) and we quickly grabbed our stuff(valuables; what valuble stuff did we have then? :P) and ran down the stairs.
In the basketball court, standing there, the scene looked exactly like it was in my dream. Exactly.
creepy huh...?
But my school was fine, it was just a very small fire. luckily no one was hurt or anything.
yea...but see...dreams are very special in a way...mysterious...@-@
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