Would you think of spending (if in your capability) roughly around USD 61,920 ( i think our exchange rate is 1.5) for your child or even your very own school fees, and boarding school fees..?
Wow. that's alot of money. a hell lot of money. at least to me, it is. I think using that amount of money, i could pay all of my school fees for the years of growing up and still have money to spare.

I think most people would know I am a big fan of the anime ouran high. And to think i always thought, that the anime was at least 70% fictional. I was so wrong man i was!
The school of the obscenely rich and famous. Where prince & princesses, duchess & dukes, pop stars all go to. It exist. Hell ya, it does! no joke. I feel so much like a mountain tortoise when i realised there was really a school like that. -_-' talk about making a new discovery each day! haa.
How did i suddenly chance upon knowing about this school...? I was actually watching some kind of variety program and it so happen that one of the taiwanese star sent his daughter to this school. She talked about her experience in that school, which made me curious enough to do a further search on what type of school was it that she was talking about.
I simply googled it out and i was quite amazed when i was reading the wiki article. Well, this school for starters date all the way back to the 1880's and it's one of the most exclusive educational institutions in the world. And they do not take in no more than 10% of the student body may come from one country, different nationalities made up the majority of students at Le Rosey. Talk about being international!

But i realised, what they wrote on their web and from the interview of their student (the taiwanese actress) was rather different. They painted different pictures altogether. Of course we understand if you want to promote your school, you would paint the strictest, 'bestest' picture of them all to attract people. You get what i mean..?;) haha...
But i think, if it were up to me...nah. I doubt that even if i had the means i would want to put my child or myself in such a expensive school. just because.
I wonder for a second, if i ever went to a school like that, what kind of person would i turn out to be...? Who are the people I would meet..? How would the lifestyle differ?
As much i think it would be very fun to be able to try the many different school systems there are in the world and all, i know that you shouldn't be judge by the school you went to or where you come from or where qualifications you have. Though sometimes, that is the cruel truth, but i think there is much more to life that all those. And to be spending that much money, i think traveling would be a better investment, personally, you'll learn lotsa stuff too!;) you may beg to differ, but that's what i think!. haha..:p
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