yesh. i am 20. the big 2...ahhhh*runs around being freaking paraniod! im ollddddd already!* haha...just kidding. wouldn't want to offend anyone with just one statement would i? heh.:p
so yesh. bhb abit..sing myself a birthday song....=)
Happy birthday to meeeeee!
as my cousin puts it, welcome to the 20-20 club. i belong there now. heh..:P
L Lawleit

Ok, enough of me wishing myself a happy birthday. :P so loser-ish so cheerful, cux some of my buds kinda forgotten. saded o well. its just a birthday anyway. they are busy people so i must understand. :)
this came in the mail today!:D *there was the adress of course*:P
the inside of the card. :D hand made handmade! :) thank you jy. :)
o a lighter note...guess what came through the mail today!:) made me so happpppy!:) yes, snail box in my mail box! i opened it after coming home and then wahhh! happy!:)
this was what i found~ (below)
yes. its a handmade card sent to me by snail mail! omg omg omg! you could have imagine the excitement when i opened it! it was sent by my favourite lovely JY!:) yes. i know. so sweet right? Thank you jie ying!:) you made my day by giving me my two favouritest snail mail and home made card. So full of 'xin yi' touched. :') me lovess. X)

o a lighter note...guess what came through the mail today!:) made me so happpppy!:) yes, snail box in my mail box! i opened it after coming home and then wahhh! happy!:)
this was what i found~ (below)
yes. its a handmade card sent to me by snail mail! omg omg omg! you could have imagine the excitement when i opened it! it was sent by my favourite lovely JY!:) yes. i know. so sweet right? Thank you jie ying!:) you made my day by giving me my two favouritest snail mail and home made card. So full of 'xin yi' touched. :') me lovess. X)

and yes. today i went out with my lovely ladies to watch L change the world, which we have been wanting to watch since forever, waiting for each other to be free. so finally today we're at it!:) weee~ * sorry i was late....=X gomen gomen. the show was not too bad. pretty decent, some loose ends here and there but overall i still thought it didn't do injustice to the prequels before it. :) and i actually did really like some scenes, they were very hmm.. i can't find the word, touching?
So after the movie, the girls did something very sweet, though it was kinda funny, but i still think its very sweet and appreciate it loads. :) they bought me a cake from secret recipe. yummi! ^-^
and they gave me a pressie i always liked when i saw it in the shops, the shake head doll (ok, i know it has a name, but i have no idea what it is.) they gave me a mickey shake head doll! oo...happy!:D me like it very mucch! thank you girls...=) *muacks* i was gleeing all the way while opening the pressie..hehe..:P just like a little kid handling the christmas presents. =P
and orange brought back alot of pressies for us from thailand...arigatou neh orange!:) xie xie. :D
yes. i know you all are tired of seeing my photos. wahaha..:P you can skip the actually. hehe.
photos are courtersy of Orange and Jy, taken by Jy, Huiling, Orange and me. :)
thank you girls!:) for the photos, pressie and wonderful day today. =)
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