many think that people my age should read books with loads and loads of words, or those with words so small you need to squint your eyes to get them. not that i'm condemning against this books in any way, their cool too. but i guess my point is it doesn't mean the older we get the thicker our books have to be and the smaller the font in the book has to be printed out. Well, not for me at least! Sometimes i love to enjoy children's book too! yesh. you saw that right. no kidding! =) children's book are rather refreshing at times too. its fun to read them, not childish. -_-;;
another type of book, which i would recommend would be pictorial books, those with not much words and more pictures. many here associate it with children's book, but i think, this type of books bring alot more meaning. heard of picture speaks a thousand words? yea, its something like that.
today when i was with kinokuniya with huiling i saw the sequel of a book i had great fun with.
Let me intro the original book first.

And I very highly recommend this book. its filled with wicked laughter, wittiness and its very light hearted.

So as you see it (above) the story is told with illustrations and writings, easy reading for anytime of the day!:)

If you have finished that and can't get enough of it, good news good news! there's a sequel to it, and i heard a third is coming out too!:) weee! i haven't gotten this one yet.*hintshints. my birthday is near :P -_-' but i predict its gonna be alot of fun too!:) remember to look out for it!
Here is the talented artist practicing his skills.
Yeaps. that's the guy behind all the magic.
And the best thing yet! Twentieth Century Fox is bringing Jeff Kinney's bestselling "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book series to the big screen as a live-action family film. I have no idea when its going to be out, maybe in a year or 2..? But, im definitely going to catch this one. :)

If you have finished that and can't get enough of it, good news good news! there's a sequel to it, and i heard a third is coming out too!:) weee! i haven't gotten this one yet.

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