What holiday? Which holiday? Got holiday meh?
Sigh sigh...let me rant. I want my holiday!! These few months....the stuff to do is killing me, i want a breather, i want some 'me' time, i want some time to spend with my family and friends more...
ok. end of rants...
heres a feel good song to reward all you people out there...=))
I'm seriously addicted to this song right at the moment...no idea why...? cux there's wongfu inside..?maybe. but seriously. this is a real feel good song.
Somewhere the sun by Jason Harwell.
In case you can't get it. Click here.
Don't tell me you don't like it...haha...its just such a feel good song for me at this moment...but i can't find the song or the album...=( so if anyone can find it and pass or send it to me i'll love you to bits and pieces man...=)) weee~!
Just finished with the caas project...we lost the pitch though...client said alot of stuff...he might be right? but, we have our justifications for the things we do and we did put in effort into it. We didn't hand in stuff we weren't proud of. So i think for that, green dot we deserve a pat on our back. :)
we didn't win not because we didnt try hard enough, we did our best and had fun in the process so i think that matters most...=) thank you girls...
Thank you to the girls of my group. Green Dot. joslyn, elf and ahsia who stuck around till the end...you girls..:)
and a big thank you to josjos who was a great project manager...=) you go girl!
I must say we did learn alot and grew together as a team.
Thank you! :)
on another lighter note...the days while we were doing work in the vista reminded me of the fyp time in the vista spending time with the 'fyp vista clan'(geraldine,mandie,nik,azimah,ben,jos,jacelyn, gareth,janah,adam,alvin,joe,mabel,hula girls etc etc...^-*) people. hahaha...it was quite fun!
my team was a little naughty...when Geraldine and rachy were in the toilet we pull the door to stop them from coming out...:P we were too bored and tired of work so we were being naughty...muahahah..:P opps...sorry geraldine n rachy...hehe..:p pls do forgive us...we were just having some fun...:P usually i wun do it but its my team..and we must have team spirit! ...lol..:P
And here are some random photos i didn't realised i have until i was transfering photos out from my hp a while ago...
Cheerio Guys. Take care peeps. Green Dot. Hula Girls. Unglams. Zoofamily. mslbandiesfamily. covalents.new friends from the vista clan..my family and friends whom i love...! =D
Smile ur biggest smile!
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