As the week slowly draws to an end, it seems that first semester is ending real soon too...
holidays are coming, though i won't get to enjoy it due to many commitments...so what holiday?
somehow if you asked me, the semester went past with a blink of an eye, it seemed like everything just started about a week ago and then poof. the next thing i know we are all going to say good bye again. ok. its not a forever goodbye, we will still see each other in the corridors, but then, we won't see each other everyday anymore. It will be different jokes, different peeps, diff styles...
taitii club and pepsi cola club and all the other random clubs in class will be changing classes?
You know i hate changes.
but it ain't all that bad.
There are always two side to a coin, flip it and you'll see the other side...:)
i've met so many nice people this sem...in class and in the vista clan....=)
* digress abit*ps. you know what?
for the first time in my life, i had a french braid....secretly, i always wanted to tye my hair like that. but. haha. i only have limited skills, i only know the basics of ponytail and plaits...how lousy. yea i know.

going back to topic...
let me thank all my classates and people i have met recently...thanks to e2-4g. yeaps. u all have been a great class while it lasted! ;) to people whom i have met during camping in vista. aka the vista clan, and my hula girls, you guys are the coolest. cux we chionged together through those nights....haha...:P
to all other people in my life. you guys are always loved by Me! cux u guys are the greatest!
thank you everyone and everyone it is. big hugss to all! =D

take care peeps. see you around school or everywhere and anywhere! ;)
o. and many seem to be falling sick recently....get well soon peeps!:) rest well...and to the rest...take care...don't fall ill! ;)
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