lilalienations: this is just a entry to let out my grievances cause i have no where to say it, you can just skip past this entry. ;)
Time and time again it happens. So sian.
Went home happily after a nice reunion dinner with my ex-classmates and teacher who will be migrating. ( will post this happier post in another entry;cannot spoil mood)
When you go to this type of dinner, one will expect it to end late what, to leave early to go home is so weird and awkward. leaving half way is just going to be such a party pooper, and i might not know if i would be free to see her off to the airport, so staying longer to chat is ok right....
but it sucks when your mum thinks you purposely want to stay out late, and gives you a big trashing when you come home from such a happy occasion. yes. i know. she is worries. she loves me. i love her too. but still. don't do that pls. it sucks. it spoils one's mood. i called and informed, not that i didn't . Come on, give me some more space, its not that i want to rebel.....i want to come home from a happy occasion and make it continue being happy all the way into my dreams....
im not those irresponsible kids in the papers who purposely jump out some window to spite their parents who do not let them out. I let you know. So trust me abit more, though you say you do and you are just worried, pls believe that i know my limits and take extra care because at the end of the day there are people waiting for me at home.... no matter what i still love my family always. its just i need a little more space with a smile....
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
-Fyp Poem.-
Here is a poem which one of my fyp teamates luke wrote....Fyp means final year project..=)
Heres how it goes...:
Heres how it goes...:
FYP, FYP, all we do is FYP.
We HaHa, we HeeHee, cos we love our FYP.
We must do as we are told, ‘cos we scared that Racher scold.
Have fun lah, have fun lah, if not later all salah!
FYP, FYP, Yes! We love our FYP! :
In case you were wondering. Why is the colour like that? Thats because its a poloriod picture! way cool. ;)
Shall post more other fyp stuff up soon...till then take care peeps. loves.
*. Is this cool or what?.*
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Welcome Backie! =D
BIB = ?
Bro Is Back!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! haha.:P
Welcome Back Hommiee to hot and humid weather in Singapore...............:p
Here are just some random pics i took recently...i will compile the fyp one and put them up when im more free...;)
ahhhhh...its good to be a cat. All you do is eat and sleep cute.
What an interesting position of sleep...
Bro Is Back!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! haha.:P
Welcome Back Hommiee to hot and humid weather in Singapore...............:p

Here are just some random pics i took recently...i will compile the fyp one and put them up when im more free...;)
What an interesting position of sleep...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Bento Set. Kawaii!

Here are the cute bento sets as i promised...there you go! =) Interesting right? Make your food fun! =D
FYP is happening in my house tiring....theres still more to come...Jia you!!
*.lil wonders of life.*
Thursday, June 21, 2007
what if.
lil alienations: lala wants to cut hair. But doesn't know where to. Does anyone know a good hair salon with good hair stylist at a affordable price? Do intro to me! Thank you. =))
today was creative media arts. We changed faci....hmmx...he seems like a nice guy. I sure hope he really is. =D
I'm in the same team as last last week, Alex, Elf, Yoyo, Shirley and me!
During break Shirley's cousin came to class to pass her a cake, she always pops by in class to visit Shirley. So nice right...? Super sweet...
I was wondering..How cool would it be if i studied in the same school as my cousins. Soo Super fun!! If foong was studying together here in RP. That would be so fun. Haha...Yea. Even if we can't go for lunch together, we can crap all the way home....ahhhh....thinking about it makes me happy. haha...too bad none of my cousins study in the same school as me, the cousins who have all graduated....o well....haha...
Thats why this entry is called a what if. Its the type of entry where I can only day dream about. =X But still, its fun to think about this type of things from time to time....=)
Okie, thats all for today. Ps. Im blogging from school. The STUPID home internet has problem AGAIN. I can connect but can't go online. So fish. Make me so upset last night. So inconvenient. =( argh. o well. hope it gets fixed up soooon. and i mean soon.
Take care peeps! =) Loves.
today was creative media arts. We changed faci....hmmx...he seems like a nice guy. I sure hope he really is. =D
I'm in the same team as last last week, Alex, Elf, Yoyo, Shirley and me!
During break Shirley's cousin came to class to pass her a cake, she always pops by in class to visit Shirley. So nice right...? Super sweet...
I was wondering..How cool would it be if i studied in the same school as my cousins. Soo Super fun!! If foong was studying together here in RP. That would be so fun. Haha...Yea. Even if we can't go for lunch together, we can crap all the way home....ahhhh....thinking about it makes me happy. haha...too bad none of my cousins study in the same school as me, the cousins who have all graduated....o well....haha...
Thats why this entry is called a what if. Its the type of entry where I can only day dream about. =X But still, its fun to think about this type of things from time to time....=)
Okie, thats all for today. Ps. Im blogging from school. The STUPID home internet has problem AGAIN. I can connect but can't go online. So fish. Make me so upset last night. So inconvenient. =( argh. o well. hope it gets fixed up soooon. and i mean soon.
Take care peeps! =) Loves.

*. What if's.*
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Interesting SuShi pics galore!
Weeee! I'm back. Been resting around the whole say sick person must sleep more...and must take medicine...boooooo...=(( so i spent my dad just lying around...i can't deny that i don't really like lazing around, but when your suppose to be sick, you don't feel like lying around. I think its just me, i'm weird. haha..:P
So anyway, I got a little crazy and just felt like looking on net for very cute and interesting pictures of SuShi!!! don't ask me why. It was just a super random thing. Sometimes doing things in the spur of the moment makes one happy. Next time when you feel like doing or eating something, put down ur stuff and go do it. It sometimes feels good to live for the moment. haha...occasionally..not always. ;)

Here goes my randomness....Wee! =) If your not a big fan of randomness or sushi...I suggest you skip this entry..:p

Sushi toys

This is sooooo super CUTE. can? I so want to have one...hahaha...this site has all the cutest things...I like!! =D Watashiwa Suki des!

Yeapx!! That's all the sushi pics I have for you guys today. Hope you all enjoyed! :) I wonder why I even put up sushi...its not my favourite food in the whole wide world or fact I don't even eat raw sushi...:P Anyway, I had fun seeing all this interesting or cute pictures of sushi...hope you liked them too...Next time I shall put up some cute bento sets I found today..:)
Take care.
*. Just aLieny.*
merder . murder?
Saw this spelling error on The Straits Times today. Mom was like...What is this man?! How can they get such a word wrong? I was thinking maybe it was meant to be a spelling joke or something...but after seeing what it was about...I kinda doubt so...Hope they didn't get it wrong in the New Paper too...Woops..=X but sometimes we do also err in our essay writing...I hope this is just a really one off type of error...haa...i still love to the tabloid New paper...yay. =)
Some random piccys ~~
You have to literally take off its head for it to be able to work. Its like killing; beheading it..:( haha..
That's all for today. Take care folks. =)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
hello! Its been a long time since i last blogged...haha...
The biggest and first reason is because my old pms modem finally passed on...=( it took me a few days to get a new one....yay! :) Its almost the same, but its black instead of the beige one it used to be...looks kinda sleek...;) I attempt to put in all the stuff in which I have been not been able to put up since the last time i blogged....

Has anyone eaten Sarawak Laksa before?( As shown in the piccys above. Yummy!) pictures of the laksa might not be doing enough justice to make it look as yummy as it is...In Singapore and Johor one really can't find it...Even if you can find one, it usually taste so very different and far from the real thing...Quite Saddening though. My mum can cook wham bam power Sarawak Laksa! =D
So whats so different about the Sarawak Laksa and the local ones..? The local one is more like a curry laksa, but the former is very different, I don't exactly know how to describe it but, its taste is (to me) more fragrant and much tastier. (ok. personal biasness, i know. :P) And unlike the latter the toppings are much more simple; prawns, bean sprouts aka tau gay, lime and chicken! Thats all....! plus bee hoon and the nice gravy sauce. Taa daaa! A bowl of super duper yummi Sarawak Laksa...!=)
To try authentic laksa, fly to Sarawak...haha...:P its love at first taste..=P
Jumping on from there, recently my relatives came over from KL to Sing for a few days...they went to the Zoo and Bird Park. I only went with them to the bird park as I was free on that day. I got to say, i prefer the zoo....hahaha...:p

don't take pictures of us! we're camera shy! :p
Sorry ah...I know the bird park has like tons of birds.. this were the only ones which I could got close to and made me feel interested to take out my handphone to snap a piccy...I was so worried my hp would slip from my hand and fall into the vast forest below...then it would be byebye phone....haha..:P
next on....I baked cookies with mom!! heeeh! =D ok...i admit, they are the ready mix type, just add them all together to bake. But still...we baked them ok? hahaa...before even starting the oven tripped the electricity, it spoiled. -_-''' so we had to use the mini it doesn't look nice. but don't be deceived...they do taste good! hahaa..=) and im not being bias! :p

Okie. I guess I shall stop here. Haha...talked about so many things in just one post...its been a long time i haven't written anything, so put everything down here...haha...=))
Take care everyone! Loves. :)
The biggest and first reason is because my old pms modem finally passed on...=( it took me a few days to get a new one....yay! :) Its almost the same, but its black instead of the beige one it used to be...looks kinda sleek...;)
So whats so different about the Sarawak Laksa and the local ones..? The local one is more like a curry laksa, but the former is very different, I don't exactly know how to describe it but, its taste is (to me) more fragrant and much tastier. (ok. personal biasness, i know. :P) And unlike the latter the toppings are much more simple; prawns, bean sprouts aka tau gay, lime and chicken! Thats all....! plus bee hoon and the nice gravy sauce. Taa daaa! A bowl of super duper yummi Sarawak Laksa...!=)
To try authentic laksa, fly to Sarawak...haha...:P its love at first taste..=P
Jumping on from there, recently my relatives came over from KL to Sing for a few days...they went to the Zoo and Bird Park. I only went with them to the bird park as I was free on that day. I got to say, i prefer the zoo....hahaha...:p
Sorry ah...I know the bird park has like tons of birds.. this were the only ones which I could got close to and made me feel interested to take out my handphone to snap a piccy...I was so worried my hp would slip from my hand and fall into the vast forest below...then it would be byebye phone....haha..:P
next on....I baked cookies with mom!! heeeh! =D ok...i admit, they are the ready mix type, just add them all together to bake. But still...we baked them ok? hahaa...before even starting the oven tripped the electricity, it spoiled. -_-''' so we had to use the mini it doesn't look nice. but don't be deceived...they do taste good! hahaa..=) and im not being bias! :p
Take care everyone! Loves. :)
*. In a day .*
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