Weeee! I'm back. Been resting around the whole day...mom say sick person must sleep more...and must take medicine...boooooo...=(( so i spent my dad just lying around...i can't deny that i don't really like lazing around, but when your suppose to be sick, you don't feel like lying around. I think its just me, i'm weird. haha..:P
So anyway, I got a little crazy and just felt like looking on net for very cute and interesting pictures of SuShi!!! don't ask me why. It was just a super random thing. Sometimes doing things in the spur of the moment makes one happy. Next time when you feel like doing or eating something, put down ur stuff and go do it. It sometimes feels good to live for the moment. haha...occasionally..not always. ;)

Here goes my randomness....Wee! =) If your not a big fan of randomness or sushi...I suggest you skip this entry..:p

Sushi toys

This is sooooo super CUTE. can? I so want to have one...hahaha...this site has all the cutest things...I like!! =D Watashiwa Suki des!

Yeapx!! That's all the sushi pics I have for you guys today. Hope you all enjoyed! :) I wonder why I even put up sushi...its not my favourite food in the whole wide world or something...haha...in fact I don't even eat raw sushi...:P Anyway, I had fun seeing all this interesting or cute pictures of sushi...hope you liked them too...Next time I shall put up some cute bento sets I found today..:)
Take care.
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