Today in this post I shan't write about any other thing other than my main topic... This is a sob sob*sad* post for me...:((
Though you won't be far. BUT
- I will miss you presence
- I will miss your laughter and crazy antics
- I will miss your teachings
- I will miss our section going to the toilet together and being dumb
- I will miss the person next to me during pracitce. Now its going to be filled with another member.
- I will miss the familiarity
- I will miss you.
- Tan Jie Ying!!
- You must miss us too. =)
- Miss me too of cux! ;) haa...:P
Coming from MSL I don't really have a real seniors. The type of senior which can teach me stuff and be nice to me. Becux. I was the first batch in the band. No seniors. It was good then though.
But then I always thought seniors were horrible man eating monsters...:P *great imagination* o well..I never really had one. just hear say from friends that their seniors were scary.
But when I went into RPWS I grew to really like JY. Though just a lil older. And just graduated, I think shes a real nice nice person. Theres no pressure when practising and performing with her. I might not be the best, but, she gives me lots of encouragement, gives me chances and teaches me stuff. Yeah. Thats how I see her.
She might always be late, which honestly if it were someone else...* I would probably slaughter.heh. im a scary person* but if it were her haha... I guess we *my section* would have probably been used to it. See? If your a nice person...all your other flaws can be easily covered.
* this doesn't mean that you people should be late when meeting me though. =P im impatient.oops! XP*
Yes. So that is my favourite senior for you. A little muddle headed. Usually late. Can be fierce if you get on her nerves *but i would think its ur fault, cux shes nice*, but for everything else she is my most favouritetest senior. =D
I'll feel real comfortable with her. Understanding.Friendly. Chatty. Funny. Easygoing. Well what more do I have to say...
I'll miss you JY. My favouritesttest bestest goodiestest senior. XD
Graduate le. Working le. But since our flute section miss u. MUST COME BACK OFTEN hor...*if you can* if not...we must hang out often too....:)
Miss Us Too!
Good Luck in everything you do. =)))

.Flute Section.RPWS.Rock On.