You know there are some kind of people who listen to songs by catching their lyrics first then the melody? Me? I'm the sort which hears the melody and very little of the lyrics. I'm sure there are pretty many like me, because the brain processes melodies more easily? Ok, i don't know about that for sure.
Even though my favourite musicians for example like ashin (yes beloved. i must emphasize. lol) writes one of the best lyrics ever (no i am speaking truthfully here, because he writes it so simply and straight to your heart) what catches me first is always the melody. Only from there will i bother to pay attention to the lyrics.
Lyrics to me are like homework, unless they are really simple i would never be able to sing a full song's lyric's through memory (well, unless i do my homework) haha...Imagine singing a jay chou song remembering that in full! I do admit that when i understand Jay chou's song lyrics they are really poetic and all, but hey, my mandarin is just mediocre, so for me his song's lyrics are meh. (If you don't speak so that everyone understand you, it will just be a very pretty vase. Well with no offense, that is only what i think.)
So anyway! i was hearing this super old song in the grocer earlier on and used shazam to recognise it. Thank god for good apps! hehe. I thought the title was pretty creepy at first but it was really catchy. See catchy tune always wins half the battle!
Googled it and it feels darkly romantic. It's pretty simple to understand, of course the part about Catholics and Romans, i don't really get that, but apart from that i guess most can relate...
I'll leave you with the song below, who will you want to walk with you into the dark?
i'll follow you into the dark - Death Cab for Cutie
Love of mine, some day you will dieBut I'll be close behindI'll follow you into the dark
If there's no one beside youWhen your soul embarksThen I'll follow you into the darkThen I'll follow you into the dark...

so go jump around along daisies (act yi ge romantic, there's no daisies locally. lol) and be a nice human.
good song, one of my most enjoyed albums.
yea totally :) haven't seen you in awhile. How are you? :)