bad mood = impulses = all out = learning new gadgets = shopping
look at my funny equation..:P they say retail theraphy is good for your health. I totally believe that, only its pretty bad for your wallet. Owell. a little money but if your going to use it, it won't be wasteful. *what i always believe in. haa.
Thanks to JY who taught me how to use Gmarket. Been wanting to try online shopping for dogone ages...but never knew how to do it...*yesh. noooob*
Finally got done to it with the help of JY!:D Just trying first so didn't dare go all out. *good thing.* Ling and JY have been trying to teach me since some time back, its just me, some time i think too much, consider too much, or just get too confused. :P
Bad thing is that when i'm angry or in a bad mood (not that i really am now, just in general) i have more of a heck care attitude, which i think in my case comes in pretty good at times. Apart from using Gmarket today, I purchased books from the other day when i was feeling pretty rough. I actually didn't really know what i was doing, but i just went, click click click. Ok. done. Done. Pretty reckless, but the fact that i've been thinking and considering whether to get those books for a long isn't a bad decision.
I got these comics, one of my fave comics of alll time Zits. And its a present too.Mom loves Zits too, so i think she'll be pleasantly surprised:) I bought 3 couldn't find the pic of the third one. I got them for the price of 3books : 1 book or at most 1 1/3 book sold here. The price i it made sense to get it online....Looking forward to get the things i bought. :)

Learnt new stuff. Have becomes 0.001% more IT savvy. Heh. *throws confetti! rejoice!* lol
why u in bad mood?