直 升機,是不是可以升起曙光?
This is a little excerpt from a mini conversation ashin had on his comments page after this post [純真年 代 STAY REAL forever] last one 最後的扭蛋機
The one in italic was what was left by a reader. Well, all was melodramatic mood until the last sentence...-.- hahahaha. ashin. He seldom has the time to reply to comments but its always nice to read them if he does. he adds a little humour and sensitivity without wanting it to be noticed. :)
Ahh. if your wondering what's that egg machine we all had our chance to turn, read that post. He did it as a installment art piece for a art convention with no2good and other artist currently in Shanghai (i think it just ended?)no, not the shanghai expo. Here is an article from stayreal of their exhibits there. I like the idea behind it. he thinks this egg machines are evil because they make you willingly spit money out as a kid just to get to what you want, but it seems, like him, we always take many tries to turn out the 'egg' goodie that we want and sometimes we never get it at all....haha...he thinks their evil and have outgrown them. sad to say. i can't speak the same for me. i'm still pretty much still that kid who sticks my faceinto onto the machine to see what goodies they still hold....
its happiness in a egg. little 'evil' to my pocket. :p
直 升機,是不是可以升起曙光?
This is a little excerpt from a mini conversation ashin had on his comments page after this post [純真年 代 STAY REAL forever] last one 最後的扭蛋機
Ahh. if your wondering what's that egg machine we all had our chance to turn, read that post. He did it as a installment art piece for a art convention with no2good and other artist currently in Shanghai (i think it just ended?)no, not the shanghai expo. Here is an article from stayreal of their exhibits there. I like the idea behind it. he thinks this egg machines are evil because they make you willingly spit money out as a kid just to get to what you want, but it seems, like him, we always take many tries to turn out the 'egg' goodie that we want and sometimes we never get it at all....haha...he thinks their evil and have outgrown them. sad to say. i can't speak the same for me. i'm still pretty much still that kid who sticks my face
its happiness in a egg. little 'evil' to my pocket. :p
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