Mayday DNA Unlimited 2010 World Tour
Singapore pitstop.
April 17th 2010
Singapore National Stadium, Kallang.

Feel free to make it your desktop wallie if you like it!:) i've changed the resolution and size so it fits A4, should fit your screens snugly!:D weeee~
if you decide to share it anywhere else. give credits when due ya.:)
That's a lightstick by the way. You'll see it again later ;)
This is an picture intensive post.seriously. no joking.
So get ready!;)
You have been warned!
Get ready to feast on all the concert pics!
of course not all. because that would be too many. it's already full of mayday after filtering;P
Mayday was on Channel 8's new's also. Check out the video here**
sometimes words can only be a complimenting dish. in this case, it compliments the main dish of pictures. galore of photos. :D
And so I waited and waited for April 17th to come.
I don't often do big splurging on myself, so this is my birthday present to me. :) expensive. but definitely worth it. haha
I wanted to get the DNA dvd set as a full set pressie together but the buggers got me it already. :)
It's still on the way...*gosh. i'm getting so jumpy already* because i saw it selling at the merchandise store and so wanted to grab one! hahaha...:P
abby...has the plane landed yet? heh:P
I don't often do big splurging on myself, so this is my birthday present to me. :) expensive. but definitely worth it. haha
I wanted to get the DNA dvd set as a full set pressie together but the buggers got me it already. :)
It's still on the way...*gosh. i'm getting so jumpy already* because i saw it selling at the merchandise store and so wanted to grab one! hahaha...:P
abby...has the plane landed yet? heh:P
Rock,Love & Peace.
all for the rocker spirit from the beatles and beyond, to make the world a better place.:)
Jinjin accompanied me early to go to the merchandise store, because i wanted to get the shirt and more importantly the landyard. But sob sob sobs. :((( The landyard was sold out already. again!:( any kind soul wanna help me purchase and ship to me? i'll pay. :D *puppy eyes* or anyone knows anywhere that we can purchase it?*hopes hopes hopes*
To my biggest surprise, Ling was early! Much earlier than i expected anyway! Wow weee!:D
So we queued for the merchandise together. and still no landyard. WHY?! :(
we were given free posters when we got the shirts and lightstick.
so. a little better. :)
then we accompanied jin jin to find red lightstick at Indoor stadium merchandise store, but realised it was only sold upstairs, and because we all needed landyards, good quality one we all got one.
yesh. SHE version landyard. is nice lah:)
but still i really wanted and still hoping i can land my hands on a DNA landyard.
*hopes n pray more* lol
Jin was waiting for her friends to it together and i think also sian to go up and then come down again so we decided to walk over to leisure mall for dinner first. :)
initially just wanted to drop jin off safely to her friend (sounds like shes so small. lol. eh. crowded mah. easy to get lost. hahahaha) but, when we met her friends they were so kind to share the two extra seats they found with us. Xie xie xie xies!:) So nice of you guys;)
well. after the queues and chaos that is.
After dinner.
It was time to head to concert.
no wait.
head to chaos.
*too bad i don't have the pics from ling, if not it'll be so interesting to see how loooong the queue went*
Because the National Stadium had soo many entrances, it was not immediately clear which way to walk towards. And the organisers didn't put up any clear signs, well, not that it was prominent to me. After much asking we were on the right track towards the correct entrance queue.
The queue was wayyyyy long. It was snaking slowly, and stopped for the longest time. I read, it was due to the rain, that's why the original plans to let people in at 6 got pushed behind till one hour later.
And another reason i think is probably cause the organisers were not prepared for the crowd, just think NDP, all the many different organisers needed just for a smooth flow. They were really outstaffed, and underprepared. I guess, this things need experience, usually in the Indoor stadium the longest is not that long too...:P hahaa...
After much delay i think mayday and probably their record label rock records thought the show has to start. The show must go on!
And wooosh. no more checks, they just let everyone in, just holding the tix up for them to see, they didn't even have the time to tear the tix.
The other 2 was after the concert we found them lying around so we rescued them home, tsk. this people really dont know how to appreciate, then want to snatch. double tsk.
so that was my very 狼狈 or story of the paper fan. lols.
so that was my very 狼狈 or story of the paper fan. lols.
Ling say, take photo before open, if not the wrapper no more already...so that's why i did a few snaps of it:)
i grabbed the tix tightly, scared it someone bumped into me i might drop it. it sounds crazy, but you should have looked at the amount of people that night. lol
then after i kept the tix, i made sure i grabbed Ling's hand like a mother hen not to lose her.
The crowd i tell you. So easy to lose people in it! hahaa...:P
I saw two friends fighting because they coudn't find each other because one's phone went dead, (yes, they eventually found each other that's why they could squabble a lil)
So, i didn't wanna repeat any more drama, going to a concert, must be Happy!
Safe and sound! Touchdown!
The rain made all the chairs wet, the ground met and turning muddy.
after we dried it and sat down we blew the clapper thingys sponsored by singtel. The blue clapper in the above pics.;)
oo. atmosphere atmosphere!:D
so many mayday fans all around!
everyone's all excited!
Yesh. for a mayday concert. it's officially or unofficially a Blue lightstick.
fave band always go with fave colour!
this light stick is truly quite awesome!
there are like 3 different kind of light modes to it. Can change according to what you like!nice!
Scream your lungs out and wave your lightstick and singggg like there's no tomorrow!
From here on i'll (try to) just let the pictures tell the story. ok. maybe some words here and there;)
Ashin looked good but i didn't manage to capture him in this costume, the guy in front of me was too tall. -_-;; lols
so i have many many photos of him! haha
but in the reports i read, the rain caused alot of damage to the bot, lightnings and instruments.
The bot was supposed to be able to move left and right hand's and legs(?) but because of the malfunction due to the rain, i'm guessing it short circuited some stuff. The bot could only move its left or was it right hand..what a pity.
This was wayy behind us. So that the second part of the stadium can also get close view of them.
I thought the lighting for the bot at this time was o-so-awesome!!:D
Notice! i realised monster's hand are of so many positions, it seems that apart from putting his hands naturally on his guitar, he doesn't know where to put it when his guitar is down.
Just take note when you see the photos of him and you'll get what i mean;P
Stone was talking about SHE. hahahaa...:P
then masa said, he hope next time we would still be able to hear them under the sky...but wonder where they can hold it.
Someone shouted out in his/her house..then masa jokingly said :五月天最讨厌说大话的人因为我们也爱说大话!
masa you all 说到做到! so we still love you all!
Ming told us he brought his darling daughter baby rose out of the country for the first time.
woohoo. it's to Singapore, here!
Hi baby Rose!:))
he brought two. lols.
Hello baby Stone(s)!:)
whether we wanted to stay later than SHE. Of course!
Very good. Like band like fans. Very competitive. lols.
He was saying the first time they performed outside taiwan with tix sales was in Singapore.
wow. :)))
From then, they always dreamed of performing in a place with no roof, everyone under the stars.
Suddenly the night before he realised, they did it.
great colours. clear shot.
end of solos.
guys go into change.
ashin went in earlier before all the solos. his throats needed a short break and he takes the longest time to change! hahahaa...:P
I was a little too far, ok, rather far away, because it only reach probably the third row? ahahah
Masa and Ming was on stage.
Here's Masa playing Love with the people from the first stage.
thank you masa!;P
and Happppy Birthday to you!!
May you find someone special this year Masa!:D
love the guitarist. clear. but the cream on the cake is the backdrop.
The moon shifted from cresent to a full moon.
if you notice the spelling made in some dictionary form, that's because i failed my spelling. i couldn't remember how in the world to spell that word correctly, so i had to dictionary.com it...aish. -_- my english teach would be so
I like this silhouetted pic, actually i have quite a few but i guess i'll only put up this one, not everyone enjoys silhouetted pics:P
but then the lights decided to do something else...thus i had the treat of a special effect.
turned out quite cute didn't it? ;)
love the logo.
Thanks for enjoying the night with me gal;) Hope you enjoyed yourself loads too!
Let's look forward to the next one...and hopefully next time, no. we must, get our landyards the next time round;) heh:p
i didn't get any good pictures of the last bow, but i think i did put up a few on fb if interested. :)
guess who is this?
yes. it's still the most photographed person of the day, monster. :D
people who know me, apart from mayday. i totally look forward and adore, fireworks and those colour lights here and there! nicehh!
the reflection of the light on the confetti made it looked as if it were snowing....
good things always seem to finish so soon, especially since we are often spoilt by mayday for after midnight concerts. I guess they didn't wanna be fined (the company) for the overstay and there aren't too many venues to perform their concerts in Singapore, so in terms of understanding, they probably didn't want to leave a black mark with the venue organisers if not no more performing places means no more Mayday to see...gosh. that would be disasterous.
so...till next time 五月天 we will see you again!
Mayday DNA Unlimited 五月天变形DNA无限放大版 2010 in Singapore
finished with a blast
awaiting the next time we meet!
too dark to take a complete one before it started so, here it is after it ended.
i met up with ah siaaaa!:))
brought poly bandmate. met polymate. chat with uni mate. and primary school mate and sec sch mate were all at the same concert.
Mayday not only brings good songs, concerts, atmosphere, fun and hope through their lyrics.
They bring people together!:)

rock.peace & love.
you guys rock on!:)
i do hope you guys take a good well deserving break before you all continue.
i'm sure it'll do you guys good.
a break is so as to be able to go further ( well i literally translated that from the chinese version;P)
and i guess many of us can see and feel the toll and strain uptaken upon you guys from the continuous running around for the world tour concert. i don't wish to admit it but i can feel it. I do agree with this article too, if you read the previous links i've shared, you would know what i meant.
And i'm sure,all those who like Mayday would wanna see them for a long long long time.
So take a good break and rest well dudes.
because good things are worth waiting for.
and for you guys?
more than definitely
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