Thank you to Fang, Huan and Jin for celebrating my birthday and such a cool gift.

After much dilleberation we went to the "Sumo House" in Amk central to eat.
they sell quite cheap jap food.
Just try not to order their soba...*well. that's just my opinion though.*

While waiting for the food.
there's always time for photos.:P

Hey! You there! No paparazzi shots!

lala complains: ehh. jin cannot see your face.
jin: purposely one.
-_-' hahahaa.

cannot. i must have my proper nice shot of you two:)

this was suppose to be a shot of 3 people.
but they decided to be naughty and block out Fang's face.
awww. poor thing.
look! that's my hand! poped by to MOF for desserts.
yes. after much delliberation again.
why do we deliberate for much?!

and then again.
while waiting for the ice cream.
why not shoot somemore?;))

I like this set of photos, the colour turned out nice. :)

I shot so many that Jin had to "siam" my camera shot:pp

Yesh. it is too sweet.

but the girls liked MOF's plain water.
of all thing to like...hahahaha

muachi pose!

Ooo! It's pressie time!:D

Look at my surprised face!:0)


let's see how it works.
i'm such a big swaakoo, needed lotsa Jin's help:D


then they told me to take a proper picture.
so i smiled happily.

Jin brought the good Kodak film for me too!
Old school! :DDD

Now it's fangfang's turn!

Prada prada!
*inhouse joke*
I was fumbling around with my new toy, so i didn't take pictures...:P

We got her a nice white jumper!:)
and a black cardigan to go with it...too bad we can't see it clearly here...
Hope you liked it fang...we went around headache-ing what to get...haha...:P

Thanks to Huan for taking these two pics:D *ahem ahems*i remember to credit if not you cough at me..lol

Just to show Jinjin's Nice hair. :D
Now. it's time for a little "Zi Lian-ing":PPppp

o yea. :)

I seldom zilian much on my blog so pardon me lah....;P

my new display pic!
the gals are also using this set. ;))

Fang Fang!

Happpppy Birthday to youu!:))
You are 22 too!
Hope you enjoyed the day and present=)
we lubch you much.

Blur queen number 1!
Huan huan!:D

Jin Jin!
*taken by ms lewe*
I have to say her new hairstyle is very nice!

How many years have we known each other again?
Love you all loads.
O! and i can't remember the full primary school song.
omg. shame on me. tsk tsk.
should go try to remember it fully, i got only half way...:p