lilalienations: okok. i know i know. my 828 dna mayday post is long overdue...just give me a littleee while more. :) it'll be up by latest latest end of the week...:) so many photos...wanna see which one to choose and put up. put effort ok. heh. :P soon~;)
it wasn't that bad i think. hope the results aren't bad too? >.<>
i did one super duper smack myself in the head mistake in the assignment...and it wasn't even about the answers! *in homer simpson way. dok! smacks forehead!*
guess this smart
I wrote the name of my school wrongly and handed in the assignment! ahh. shoot me.
instead of OCU i wrote University of Oklahoma. ahhhhhhhhhhhh..
*crosses all fingers and toes* pls don't let prof see it.....if not she might just junk my assignment in frustration.......0.0 -_- hmmphx.
the invigilator didn't stop me from doing so anyway, it was a good thing, because i got so thirsty from being nervous. haha. o ya. everytime i get nervous before anything i'll be somewhere in the toilet. next time you know where to find me before any nerve wrecking situstion. lol.
What do you do when your nerved wrecked? some people i know have some very interesting reactions, naturally.
the exam seems alright...though i did wonder why my answers were soo long. Long is good? no, in this case, i think it was suppose to be short and sweet, but i just did a mental regurgitation...all knowledge out on paper it went.....i wrote until my fingers hurt. ya. crazy. i know. haha....
in my frantic-ness, i used too much correction tape, it was almost all finished!haha!
by the end of the exam, my hand was covered in ink, liquid paper and correction tape.
what a fashion statement. -_-
Hope all turns out gooooood! *pray pray*
yesh. heh. =P
yesh. heh. =P
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