Sunday, May 31, 2009
byebye my dear boy.
yes. who said tiny animals with tiny brains are stupid? i think they are adorable and very innocent. :)
I'm such a crybaby. I can't help it.....I don't like my things to be taken away from selfish. yea. maybe. but things which have been with me over time i grow to be very sentimental with them even if it may be just another thing to someone else....not to mention my precious baby boy momo....:(((((( i knew he was sick. i knew from past experience of taro to be ready, but really, how ready can i be.
Friday, May 29, 2009
jinjin is rich. lol
Went with Jinjin and Agnes and Tang(yesh. my new acquainted friends because of jin. :)) to get her pressie few weeks back. See lah...she bring so much money so must have body guard, so many people follow to get one camera....haha...:P
The shop lady was very ngaio, lucky jin was smart, she emailed the guy first for the price and managed to get a discount. If not i'm sure they will up the price there and 'slaugther' you left right centre. We realised something, when bargaining, go for the guy...usually their less 'ngaio' stingy. wahahaha...:P just an observation...not always true. heh. =PPP
But it was a fun day out and the girls got themselves ready to get ready to thailand....jinjin will be coming back only in 2 months time.....i so wanted to hide in her luggage and fly along too....awww. boo. :(
Presenting our model...cheng cheng cheng cheng~~** (photo found on jin's fb i think was from agnes?thnx!)

Jinjin the o-so rich photo. Waves money with a background of canon D50.
girltalk; cause the boys don't get it.

Happy. :) I met Huan today. And in between I met boboe on the way and met bie in the evening. O wow wee. How cool is that...meeting 3 good people in one day. =D Boboe reminded me that MSL is turning 10 next year...OMG. That was fast.....our baby little school, where we were the imagine that. how cool is that. woohoo. yipee!
It was a fun day...huan and I had many unsaid stuff...i realise as said in the last birthday post...we are really quite similar at times....ahaha..;) inside stuff...only we know. :P
O yesh. and we said to go to donate blood next time together....yesh. that'll be cool. Haven't donated since graduation...and keep hearing blood bank's low. Every packet counts i guess...a little help might go a long way? :)
O ya! One last one....i recommend the bubble milk tea from exchange at dobhy ghaut's eskimo (i think it should be spelt like that.) with mini pearl (sorry no picture though. drank finish. forgotten to take one.:P )....worth the money...cause it taste so goodd...mmmm. :))
Take care and be a nice human.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
When Idol meets Idol. XD

The only vid i could find of just them...there should be one more with more cute stuff...haha...but wee. :) so cute! Direct watch through this link wasn't able to post up video, had some probs?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
lala Loves Polariod Cameras!

Sarah really loves Polaroid cameras! Weeeeeeeee! okok. i own a Polaroid camera but i No! i do not own one....
nope. am not going bonkers, yet. still sane still sanely yet insanely sarah. ahha. okok. let me explain...p. cams are wayy least for me now. so i do not own one which i can keep in my cuboard and take out with me to admire...maybemaybe...butbutbut. i have something just as good and very awesome for now!:D

yesh. i took this.this is mine. on flickr!

Yesh! That's the one that converts my own personal photos into o soo very cool polariods. (sorry. don't mind me. i very swaa koo. just got to know of this product. :P )

the first time i tried it, i think i was overly excited that i hanged the system...woops~ -_-
over excitable little kid. haa!

At first i wasn't sure if it would really i just quickly grab any picture i could get my hand on to try...omg..when the first picture came out i was like ooohhh and ahh...
total country bumpkin.
so sue me. haha:P

and i wonder why we look so young. (NOT that we're old now..just just feels a little like year one. from the looks. :P )

and the ballooons!

but sis looks good here. :)

haha...great angle and pose too.
Ok! i've realised. I haven't posted up the site yet......
After downloading the software it's all ready for use!;)
yeap. simpleee.
if i can do it. don't worry, its nothing hard.
hope this was a good share!
be a nice human.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Songs that i enjoy....
I didn't realise until very very much later that this was a cover version for a Teresa Teng's song.
There you go...the original 在水一方...i never thought i would put such an old mv on my blog....haha...but if its a good share..why not? ;)
Lightning protection
Lightning safety (Taken from Star online site. here.)
Here are some life-saving tips
1. Run for shelter if you can hear thunder or see lightning. Do not wait for the rain to fall before you act. Sometimes, lightning strikes even before the rain begins.
2. Take shelter inside a large, sturdy building made from steel reinforced concrete (for example, a shop or a house), inside a metal vehicle (such as a bus, van or car) or under a large structure (for example, a bridge). Do not loiter outside a large building to avoid being struck by debris from lightning damage.
If you are caught outdoors because there is no proper shelter nearby then follow steps 3 to 7
3. Do not seek shelter under a tall, isolated tree – lightning often strikes the highest object on the ground. If you have no choice stay under a clump of small trees, preferably in a valley.
4. Don’t be the tallest object in an open area (such as a field or the sea). Get down into a lightning defensive position, i.e. squat (but don’t sit) with your feet
TOGETHER and cover your ears. Do not lie down. If it rains, get yourself wet because water in your clothes helps to reduce serious injuries if you are struck – the current flows over you instead of inside you.
5. Stay away from isolated tall poles and telecommunications towers. Although you won’t be hit directly when lightning strikes tall objects, the current will travel through the ground to you.
6. Do not think that a tent, small shed, rotunda or roadside food stall is safe. Most small shelters are not fitted with proper lightning protection systems. Similarly, never use an umbrella – it just makes you a higher target for lightning.
7. If you can’t find a proper shelter nearby, get down from higher ground (such as mounds, hills or platforms). Get into any depression in the ground or into a dry drain.
Even if you do get into a building, you still have follow these safety steps:
8. Do not touch any metallic object, such as electrical equipment or wiring. If you really must use your laptop, disconnect the wires and run it on batteries and wireless internet. If you need to make a call, use a mobile phone. Do not use the (fixed line) telephone unless it is really urgent.
9. Keep away from the balcony, verandah, doorway, window, wall or pillar as lightning can strike through open spaces. Do not take a bath or use the sink during a thunderstorm. Water pipes conduct electricity.
! Stay inside your shelter for 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder is heard. Lightning can strike up to 15km away from the thundercloud i.e. even after the rain has stopped!
Most importantly, remember this slogan: When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!
Yay~ I managed to get a scan of the cuter version of the post from the newspaper. The Star; Starmag Sunday 24th 2009
Click on the pics to read them. :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The version done by the original song writer.
东城卫& A Chord -夠愛
And the new version by Pets...
In this mv the guitarist 修 got to show off more skills he had a good 5-6 seconds of solo. Very glammed up mv. ;)
Lyrics can be found here*.
be a nice human. :D
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Friday, May 22, 2009
五月天 - 放肆
Mayday joined the league of Pepsi stars....and came up with a new song for the campaign too. On the video its not as polished...i heard the one on the radio more clearly...:))) Anyway...if you want to skip to the new song go to 6.10min of the video(the front is prize presentation and stuff) should be roughly around there...:)

I think this interview is from a Hong Kong or Taiwan television station cause its conducted in Canto? I just thought the shots were much better and steadier...:)
Monday, May 18, 2009
dedicated to the two birthday girls.

We both are just as blur at times...coming to think of it actually there is quite a few similarities as we grow up....;) the routes we go on..the things we choose..the subject we hate...
but i know you still love green and i'll love blue...haha...:P
You have finally joined the club! 21 years old. legal for the illegal. (you get what i mean.or not. haha. ;))
21 years is a long time and yet to the many many more years which are going to come it is not that long after all. And part of that 21 years I was in there for a big part of it. not bad. haha...14years! i calculated. wow. you've known me more than half of your life, and don't worry. I'm sure i'll be around to bug you for the many many more 14 years....
Happy Happy 21st~ :)

very lovely covalent bond
While i can't finish a problem sum properly you breeze through the whole math paper for an A.
The irony. How do i always end up pals with those very bright people? Must be luck. I am one lucky girl, I'm surrounded by people who are knowledgeable and can share their knowledge with me.
Well one thing in common is the one for the click click black colours bulky yet so lovable camera. dslr to be exact. o i guess the old saying is true, that friends will always share something in common, somehow. I can never be a math or computing expert for sure, but in shooting stuff, bring on the target and have some fun! piang! opps. is click!
Yiiiijiiin! You are 21! Yesh! We are all 21 le....!
We're still young and everready! So many things to do see learn hear and taste!Welcome to the club!:D
And as i told huan...14 can't run away too...i'll be around to bug you another and many more 14yrs to come..:)
and i'll alway remember you saying this some time back next time it'll be us bringing along the little kids meeting in the market....hahaha....that'll be a long way to go...maybe?maybe.
but we'll be around to bug each other silly. :)
Happy happy 21st Jinjin. :)

Its great fun to be the photographer for the events...its gives you the right to shoot everyone and'll get the pics first hand too....but on the other hand..i was worried i did not do as to expectations....whoops! hope it turned out all right...;)
Friday, May 8, 2009
have a great day. :)
Just a little fun using flickr's tools....
anyway. May you all have a great day. :)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Quotable quotes.
“Life's disappointments are harder to take when you don't know any swear words.”
"Reality continues to ruin my life."
“Dad, how do soldiers killing each other solve the world's problems?”
"There's never time to do all the nothing you want."
Quotes from Calvin and Hobbes.