I did have a great great time in Thailand, Phuket. Hometown to our dearest Orange som- san. (Pee kah~) hee...:P Inititally was going to Bangkok too...but if you had been catching news would know why i wasn't able to go there...but, nevertheless, I still manage to see the land of smiles. It was nice and peaceful in case anyone is wondering, no rioting protest whatsoever. :)
I was looking through the photos and realised there are very little photos of four of us together in one photo. But still its okie...cux we took turns to take photos for each other and with each other...nice nice. :)))
*new edit. must say. our dearest fishy took this picture**
she very proud of it. fishy..happy mah? wahaha...:P
a little miriculaous natural spectacle from nature.
2 stars and a moon to form a face.
cool eh?
Ok, i admit, i did enhance the colour and contrast so that you'll be better able to see it...but it was really like this...
wow. :)
somebody from above must be smiling down on us!
more stuff next time.

she very proud of it. fishy..happy mah? wahaha...:P
a little miriculaous natural spectacle from nature.
2 stars and a moon to form a face.
cool eh?
Ok, i admit, i did enhance the colour and contrast so that you'll be better able to see it...but it was really like this...
wow. :)
somebody from above must be smiling down on us!
more stuff next time.
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