Nicky's album!:)
不, 完美
Just like all his other albums. This is an album to fall in love with instantly. Well, at least for me it was. An element of surprise, apart from his usual r&b inside the album, this time there is also a song which he did for a chinese online game. 蒼天 . It hit me by surprise when i listen to the album for the first time. It was "zhong guo feng", something not in nicky's genre. But nevertheless i thought it was well done.
Yea, media review done by mypaper was quick to put down's nicky's attempt. But i thought, it was good on the contrary. It shows how versatile he is. Not bad not bad. :)
Another song which i liked in the whole album which apart the first main hit song is "顽皮鬼". Nice. :) i didn't put it up as I couldn't find the actual mv for it....but do have a listen. :) I feel that his songs apart from nice voice and tune, the lyrics arent too complicated but hits the point.

It's not exactly a bad thing, just that, maybe they were hoping for something more different to come out from it. But, it came out sticking out from the crowd awkwardly. Not to say it doesn't sound nice. Nicky (in not any bias context) can sing songs very very well, and pass him 'bad' songs, i'm sure it would still sound just as good. :)
All in all, i'm sure i'll be heading out to get a copy of this and his other albums soon. :) Yesh, pinching on my penny is a must(with the bad econnomy spoiler), but to support a good artiste, yea to that too. Not all at once, but, most definitely in time to come. I'm sure to get my copy!;)
you know how i hate those groups which has good looks, but no talent as in zilch (singing, acting, composing.you get what i mean;P) I believe nicky sells his albums based on his talents, he can really sing and that makes a good artist. and (bias vote) he's cute mah!:P
cheerios to Nicky on a great album. :D

Have a listen to his songs.
nice. they are. :)
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